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УСС Миссоури и УСС Аризона Пеарл Харбор Приватни обилазак

Посвећени смо пружању најбоље могуће услуге нашим клијентима нудећи само персонализована искуства малим групама. Током ове турнеје стећи ћете драгоцено знање о Перл Харбору на почетку обиласка слушајући детаљно, снимљено предавање историчара које објашњава напад, плус кратку личну и професионалну презентацију вашег водича у центру за посетиоце. Са нашим знањем и искуством у Перл Харбору, можемо вам пружити најбоље увиде, савете и детаље о томе како да се крећете кроз центар за посетиоце и УСС Миссоури да бисте извукли максимум из ваше посете. Резервишите код нас и дозволите нам да ваше искуство учинимо незаборавним!
Цити: Хонолулу
Tue 25 Feb
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Са почетком у $283.00
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $283.00
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Преузимање хотела, аеродрома и пристаништа
УСС Миссоури Улазнице
Меморијални програм УСС Аризона
Сертификовани професионални возачи - услуге водича
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Путници треба да има барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу
Шта да очекујете
Национални меморијал Перл Харбора
Направите састанак са историјом и посетите Перл Харбор, једно од најисторијских места на свету. Учићемо на одличним изложбама у центру за посетиоце, гледати филм о дану „који ће живети у срамоти“, и посетићемо Меморијал УСС Аризона тако што ћемо прећи луку на броду морнарице.
Меморијал бојног брода Миссоури
Посетите УСС Миссоури који се налази на острву Форд, активну и ограничену војну базу. По доласку на УСС Миссоури, осетићете моћ Америке; Овде је извршена званична предаја Јапанаца, стајаћете на палуби где је генерал Мекартур потписао мировни споразум 02. септембра 1945. године, погледајте званични документ на прелепом дисплеју, послушајте оријентацију туристичких водича УСС Миссоури, погледајте подручје завоја где је пилот Камиказе погодио УСС Миссоури, погледајте моћне топове и посетите унутрашњост брода.
Довнтовн Хонолулу
Научићете о хавајској историји тако што ћете посетити локалитете најпопуларнијих и знаменитости на Хавајима као што су статуа краља Камехаха и палата Иолани
Национално меморијално гробље Пацифика
Наши туристички водичи би вас провели кроз Панчбоул национално меморијално гробље Пацифика познато као „Арлингтон Пацифика“ где ћете уживати у погледу на Хонолулу и сазнати где је ово мирно и лепо место где почивају наши војници.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (35)
Feb 2022
Excellent tour! We had plenty of time to really see Pearl Harbor. All the details were taken care of . We liked the fact that there was no rush and we could take our time and really see Pearl Harbor. The tour guide was excellent. Avery nice lady who really help us. The tour was well worth the money.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Aloha, Thank you so much for your glowing review! It was definitely our pleasure to be your guide for your Step Back into History Private Tour. We love sharing the history and highlights of these historical places. We always strive to provide the best customer service by adding the special touches and personalized attention that make your experience with us memorable and as we say in Hawaiian “No Ka Oi” – the best! We would be honored to serve as your guides the next time you visit Oahu. With warm Aloha, Personalized Hawaii Tours
Jan 2022
My husband and I booked the trip because we needed tickets to the memorial and the Missouri. We flew over from Maui for the day and the guide picked us up from the airport. The tour consisted of a guide who was very nice but really didn’t do much of any guiding — she just drove us to the cemetery of the Pacific where we couldn’t get out of the car because tours aren’t allowed to — then to the King Kameahameha statute and pointed out the palace across the street. Then to the memorial and the Missouri. She doesn’t go with you to those two places so there isn’t any explanation or commentary. She did play a tape in the car which was useful to set up the reasons for the Japanese invasion but didn’t do much other than that. You are better off doing your own planning and getting tickets and taking an Uber. We had time so we had her drop us off at the Bishop Museum which was fantastic.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2022
We’re sorry that you were unable respect the generous knowledge and information that our Certified Hawaii Tour Guide was trained to share with to you which has prevent you from appreciating the value of our Step Back into History Tour. To maintain our standard of excellence, our tour guides are required to provide daily reports of each of their tours. It became very clear that you were not interested in the historical information or any information our tour guide was sharing as evidenced by the constant interruptions, disruptive behavior, and irrelevant questions. You booked our tour because you “needed tickets to the memorial and the Missouri.” Providing tickets is one aspect of providing a tour. What we also provide are Certified Tour Guides who are highly trained, respectful and very experienced in sharing their knowledge, expertise and aloha with our guests. I have no doubt that you were provided a tour of the highest quality. It would have been greatly appreciated if the same respect was reciprocated. Your grievances with our tour are a result of your inattention to the details sent to you the day before your tour which included regulations involved in visiting Pearl Harbor and the USS Missouri, specifically the “no bags” policy. This regulation is especially important because we offer private transportation to Ford Island where the entrance of the USS Missouri is located. Our vehicles are required to pass through inspection, and we cannot have any bags in the vehicle. Your failure to comply restricted our entrance onto Ford Island and required our tour guide to ride the public shuttle with you where private tour guides are prohibited from providing any discussion or details about the USS Missouri. Your comment that “she doesn’t go with you…so there isn’t any explanation or commentary” is a result of your actions which prevented her from doing both. During your ride to Pearl Harbor, you were played a lecture given by a historian, with excellent information about why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Upon your arrival, your tour guide provided you with water and snacks, along with a presentation on the best and most effective ways to navigate at visitor center. Tour guides are not allowed to walk all around the visitor center at Pearl Harbor. Your attentiveness at that time would have enriched your experience. At Punchbowl, the National Cemetery of the Pacific, the US Department of Veteran Affairs prohibits commercial tours from stopping and letting tours out. This is out of respect for the thousands of service members interred there and its fragile eco-system. And at the conclusion of your tour, you also received an “official mug of Pearl Harbor” which is our gift thanking you for choosing us.
Dec 2021
Our day trip to Pearl Harbor was excellent, just what I wanted for my family of 11. Everything was arranged and the day was seamless- airport pick up in a comfortable vehicle, all tickets and arrangements made in advance. Yolanda is an experienced tour guide who navigated us through the crowds and provided a rich experience for everyone.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2021
Aloha, Thank you so much for your glowing review! It was our pleasure to be your guide for Step Back into History Private Tour. We love sharing the history and highlights of these historical places with you and your family. We always strive to provide the best customer service by adding the special touches and personalized attention that make your experience with us memorable and as we say in Hawaiian “No Ka Oi” – the best! We would be honored to serve as your guides the next time you visit Oahu. With warm Aloha, Personalized Hawaii Tours

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