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Планинарски обилазак Валлеи оф Фире из Лас Вегаса

Одморите се од сјаја Лас Вегаса и побегните у прелепе природне пејзаже у Државном парку Валлеи оф Фире са јутрошњом или поподневном пешачком туром. Задивите се окамењеном дрвету и петроглифима америчких Индијанаца старим 3000 година док идете на лагано, умерено или тешко вођено пешачење кроз најстарији државни парк у Невади. Током ваше 4-, 5- или 6-часовне турнеје, такође ћете проћи кроз индијански резерват реке Моапа и видети језеро Мид. Ова тура за мале групе ограничена је на 13 људи како би се обезбедила персонализованија пажња вашег водича.
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 28 Oct
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Mon 28 Oct
Са почетком у $118.99
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Обилазак центра за посетиоце Државног парка Валлеи оф Фире
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година<ли>Потребне су ципеле са затвореним прстима<ли>Препоручују се крема за сунчање, балзам за усне, наочаре за сунце и шешири.<ли>За обилазак је потребан минималан број путника. Постоји могућност да се тура откаже након потврде уколико нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се ово догоди, биће вам обезбеђена алтернативна опција или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Ако желите да гарантујете одлазак турнеје, на дан путовања плаћа се накнада од 35 УСД, то ће учинити да тура бесповратна.
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Коментара (837)
Feb 2019
I chose the intense hike, and if you like a challenging hike (lots of inclines) and little bit of scrambling up rocks, it is lots of fun! I did my hike solo with Chad, who is an amazing guide. I was a little worried what I'd talk about with a total stranger for 4 hours, but our conversations were quite entertaining, and I learned a lot! He talked at length about the geography, botany, and history of the Valley of Fire, and as a very curious person, I loved it. I peppered him with questions, and he was totally cool with it. The 'trail' we did, if you can call it that, went just a bit into the park. I didn't realize how little ground you can actually cover in only 2 hours with all the ups and downs (and then going back). It makes me want to return but with more time! I always felt completely comfortable following Chad's lead as we went up and down the rock sides. Not once was I afraid-- he was great at telling me where to put my feet. The landscape is gorgeous, it's completely silent, and it clears the mind. I loved seeing the animal tracks, bighorn sheep, and cool petroglyphs. Waking up at 5am to do this is worth it. Make sure you bring real shoes for hiking and a light jacket. They have spare backpacks to lend you. The truck had water and gatorade, but I was happy I brought bananas and a granola bar. I highly recommend the Intense Tour for those who want to really get into the nature of the park.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
I can’t say much more about your review than a huge thank you for such a great description and incredible review overall. I do want to say a big thank you specifically for the comment about Chad making you feel comfortable and not afraid. This is something that’s always great to hear from our customers. Best of luck on your future Intense Hikes!
Feb 2019
I chose to do an early hike so I was picked up at 5:30 am. The drive was only about an hour and the whole experience took about 5,5h so you can still get on with your day after. There were only two of us on the hike and our guide which made it easier to take us off-trails. What I loved the most is that no hiking trail is ever set in stone. Awesome,right? They are also super open to different levels and will challenge you, if you’re up for it. I had such an amazing time and learnt so much. They did provide water but no snacks as mentioned on the website so I’m glad I brought my own.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
Yes we think the trails not being set in stone is awesome as well! This comes from years of comments from many customers like yourself telling us how interesting this type of experience is. That many people can’t be wrong. We hope to continue this type of experience for future customers for years to come. Thanks again for the great review! Also wanted to add a quick apology for the snacks not being available. The snacks are supposed to be provided for every tour and we will make sure to remind all tour guides to double check this each morning.
Feb 2019
We stayed in Vegas eight days, got the Vegas Pass and wrung it out. Did almost everything on available. Saw all the shows, went to all the attractions, ate at the strat, open bar in the high roller, blue man, helicopter tour, all the eats and indulgences on the strip and Valley of Fire was my wife and my absolute favorite. You can't understand till you're standing among them, like a trip to mars with way less travel time and better weather. Valley of Fire is a beautiful spot absolutely awe inspiring formations and nature. Our guide Chad was top tier, enthusiastic and knowledgeable about every nook and cranny of the park, encouraging and patient with our group of mixed endurances. Impossible to regret.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
So incredibly happy to hear you were able to have such a good experience at the Valley. Love the trip to Mars comment as I totally agree! Chad is a great tour guide and and even better guy. Here to hoping other people get to experience Las Vegas the way you did, no regrets!

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