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Планинарски обилазак Валлеи оф Фире из Лас Вегаса

Одморите се од сјаја Лас Вегаса и побегните у прелепе природне пејзаже у Државном парку Валлеи оф Фире са јутрошњом или поподневном пешачком туром. Задивите се окамењеном дрвету и петроглифима америчких Индијанаца старим 3000 година док идете на лагано, умерено или тешко вођено пешачење кроз најстарији државни парк у Невади. Током ваше 4-, 5- или 6-часовне турнеје, такође ћете проћи кроз индијански резерват реке Моапа и видети језеро Мид. Ова тура за мале групе ограничена је на 13 људи како би се обезбедила персонализованија пажња вашег водича.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sun 27 Oct
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Са почетком у $118.99
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $118.99
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Обилазак центра за посетиоце Државног парка Валлеи оф Фире
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година<ли>Потребне су ципеле са затвореним прстима<ли>Препоручују се крема за сунчање, балзам за усне, наочаре за сунце и шешири.<ли>За обилазак је потребан минималан број путника. Постоји могућност да се тура откаже након потврде уколико нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се ово догоди, биће вам обезбеђена алтернативна опција или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Ако желите да гарантујете одлазак турнеје, на дан путовања плаћа се накнада од 35 УСД, то ће учинити да тура бесповратна.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (837)
Sebastian M
Nov 2018
Went to the 6am intense Hike to Valley of Fire. Got picked up at Venetian South Gate, super easy to find the pickup Jeep Wrangler. We stopped at a gas station once we got to the final turn off to VOF grabbed some juices and donuts got to check out the amazing Native American art and homemade crafts. By the way the entire drive up was very entertaining because the guide Antonio was super friendly and full of experience and stories, never a dull moment with this guy. Thought the hike was going to be really hard but it was actually perfect and I’m glad we chose the intense because we were going through some pretty cool little caves and arches. It was awesome. On top of being an awesome guide and very safe and good at explaining Antonio was even a top of the line photographer for me and my girlfriend the entire time. He was snapping all the photos with his iPhone X giving us all kinds of photo ops! Very awesome experience! Glad we chose the INTENSE and very thankful to have such an awesome guide to give us a memory we will never forget! -Sebastian
Enrico B
Nov 2018
We went online to book a guided hike with Love Hikes to go to the Valley of Fire, near Las Vegas. We thought it was going to be a standard tour with perhaps a dozen or more tourists. When our guide Sarah showed up in a very cool new Jeep Wrangler, all nicely outfitted and customized, we thought: strange, where are all the other people going to fit? We asked where we were going to meet the rest of the people going along and Sarah told us that we were the only couple that booked for the 'intense'hile at this time. We were so happy to have our guide's exclusive attention! We headed out to the valley of fire and started chatting with Sarah, who is extremely personable and entertaining. We got to the location and started on our hike. Sarah's knowledge and enthusiasms are top notch and my wife and I had an amazing time! She even took some incredible pictures for us and shared them with us on a google drive folder! Awesome experience, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Nov 2018
I would highly recommend taking a day out from the madness of Vegas to experience the Nevada wilderness. A truly stunning area that shocks and awes in equal measure - the rockscapes and ever changing colours were gorgeous and photos can never really do it justice. The guide Antonio was great fun and his knowledge and passion for the area really shone through. He also took some great photos for us and thoughtfully paced the hike at our ability. Pick up and drop off at the hotel was seamless and communication with the tour firm was good. I would recommend Love Hikes to anyone needing to escape from the neon craziness of the Strip for an hour or four!

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