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Планинарски обилазак Валлеи оф Фире из Лас Вегаса

Одморите се од сјаја Лас Вегаса и побегните у прелепе природне пејзаже у Државном парку Валлеи оф Фире са јутрошњом или поподневном пешачком туром. Задивите се окамењеном дрвету и петроглифима америчких Индијанаца старим 3000 година док идете на лагано, умерено или тешко вођено пешачење кроз најстарији државни парк у Невади. Током ваше 4-, 5- или 6-часовне турнеје, такође ћете проћи кроз индијански резерват реке Моапа и видети језеро Мид. Ова тура за мале групе ограничена је на 13 људи како би се обезбедила персонализованија пажња вашег водича.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sat 26 Oct
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Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $118.99
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Обилазак центра за посетиоце Државног парка Валлеи оф Фире
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година<ли>Потребне су ципеле са затвореним прстима<ли>Препоручују се крема за сунчање, балзам за усне, наочаре за сунце и шешири.<ли>За обилазак је потребан минималан број путника. Постоји могућност да се тура откаже након потврде уколико нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се ово догоди, биће вам обезбеђена алтернативна опција или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Ако желите да гарантујете одлазак турнеје, на дан путовања плаћа се накнада од 35 УСД, то ће учинити да тура бесповратна.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (837)
Mar 2018
Of all the paths you take in your life, be sure to take the rocky and sandy one in the Valley of Fire with Love Hikes. We are an adventurous couple with a curiously cute 14 month old who love going off the beaten path. And while you are probably thinking “these people must be wackos for going hiking with a baby”, having our city babe take in the natural fresh mountainous air and explore completely polar opposite world from our salt life Miami was totally worth it all. From booking to parting our ways at the end of the tour, our experience was beyond exceptional!! We booked our moderate hike the day before our tour day. Since we were traveling with our toddler son, Love Hikes advised us to book a private tour (pay a minimum of 3 adults) so that we could go at our own pace. We were picked up from our hotel at our scheduled pick up time at 7:50AM on the dot. Our tour guide Sarah pulled up in a nifty Jeep Wrangler packed with water, Gatorade and snacks ready to seize the day hiking among the breathtaking Valley of Fire. Sarah was very friendly and made the hour ride seem shorter then what it really was. Although she had just moved to Vegas a few months ago, you could tell she knew her geology and was passionate about hiking, nature and the history of the indigenous Indian tribes that once roamed the valley. Loved al of the great photo opps and l how Sarah took it upon herself to be our photographer (it’s always nice to not have to take selfies) The Valley of Fire was just “WOW”! God couldn’t have created it any more beautiful then what it is. The awe- inspiring rock formations was something from another planet. The mountainous boulders illuminated the valley with a rustic ruby red in the peaceful silence of the wind. We were fortunate that we were the probably 3 of the 10 people in Valley of Fire that morning . The solitude of being a spec in the middle of Gods art work was moving! We hiked the entire trail from beginning to end and in about 1.5 hours. Sarah was impressed that we made such great timing with our little man but it helped that we roared carrying him and letting him explore. If you are a family traveling with a toddler and thinking this tour is not for you, then think again! Love Hikes can cater to your group and make it fun for all ages!
Brandon D
Mar 2018
Although my friends and I are not avid hikers, we're all in decent shape, so we decided to do the moderate hike with John. Not only was John incredibly informative, but he took us on an awesome hike. Certain parts were definitely challenging and fun, but John always offered alternative routes and provided guidance/support as needed. I definitely recommend and would go again next time I'm in Vegas.
Mar 2018

The Valley of Fire State Park is amazing. We had a great trip. John, our guide, was fantastic. He’s filled with all kinds of knowledge, and eager to share. We learned about formations,plant life, and local animals. And the views are wonderful. I recommend this trip.

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