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Планинарски обилазак Валлеи оф Фире из Лас Вегаса

Одморите се од сјаја Лас Вегаса и побегните у прелепе природне пејзаже у Државном парку Валлеи оф Фире са јутрошњом или поподневном пешачком туром. Задивите се окамењеном дрвету и петроглифима америчких Индијанаца старим 3000 година док идете на лагано, умерено или тешко вођено пешачење кроз најстарији државни парк у Невади. Током ваше 4-, 5- или 6-часовне турнеје, такође ћете проћи кроз индијански резерват реке Моапа и видети језеро Мид. Ова тура за мале групе ограничена је на 13 људи како би се обезбедила персонализованија пажња вашег водича.
Цити: лас Вегас
Thu 24 Oct
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Са почетком у $118.99
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $118.99
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Преузимање и одлазак у хотел
Обилазак центра за посетиоце Државног парка Валлеи оф Фире
Стручни водич
Пешачење (ниво на основу изабране опције)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година<ли>Потребне су ципеле са затвореним прстима<ли>Препоручују се крема за сунчање, балзам за усне, наочаре за сунце и шешири.<ли>За обилазак је потребан минималан број путника. Постоји могућност да се тура откаже након потврде уколико нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се ово догоди, биће вам обезбеђена алтернативна опција или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Ако желите да гарантујете одлазак турнеје, на дан путовања плаћа се накнада од 35 УСД, то ће учинити да тура бесповратна.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (837)
May 2022
My 13 year old and I did the moderate hike. It was just enough to push us and still be enjoyable. Our guide was knowledgeable and easy going. Van was nice and snacks and drinks were plentiful. Our guide even carried extra water bottles for everyone in the group! - I recommend this trip to those who are seeking an off the beaten path experience. Suggest hiking boots as they really came in handy when climbing the red rock sand formations. Memorable experience.
May 2022
The Valley of Fire hike I took was amazing! Nick is a great guide and I will definitely go again whenever I'm back in the area.
Marilyn W
Apr 2022
Based on the description of the 3 options, we selected moderate. Prior to arriving, we were given 3 more options with varying degrees of difficulty, and our group selected the 2nd most difficult. Our expectations were that we would be on an actual trail as opposed to ascending and descending rock formations with sloping and unstable surfaces that required foot placement on small ledges, use of hands and sliding down on your butt if necessary. The degree of slope was more than expected. I for one did not wear clothing that was appropriate for sliding down rocks. I would rate this as a moderate to advanced hike for experienced hikers. Early on my husband slipped and fell, getting several scrapes that required treatment. After that incident we were directed to walk out towards the road on a flat path, find a shady spot, and wait for the rest of the hikers to complete their hike. We did exactly that, and feel it was the best and safest option for us. We waited for an hour until we were picked up as promised at 10:30. Going forward I recommend you modify your description of the moderate hike and equip your guides with satellite radios, including an extra, in the event of a situation similar to ours where we had no means of communication because cell phones don't work.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Hi Marilyn. We truly appreciate all the feedback you’ve given as well as the positive points that you brought up as well. We will most definitely get together with our ops team as well as the representatives from the website that you booked on and make any necessary adjustments to the descriptions of our tours so that there is no question of what to expect for our customers and their tours in the future. On a personal note, we do apologize that you did not get to experience the type of tour that you should have. If you are ever back in Las Vegas please reach out to us direct at [email protected] and we will happily send you out on an additional tour free of charge so that you can have the experience we are known for providing.

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