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Вампирска турнеја по Сан Франциску

Вампирска турнеја по Сан Франциску је пешачка тура по Ноб Хилу, коју води Мина Харкер из „Дракуле“. Сценарио садржи приближно 85% истините историје Сан Франциска са помешаним забавним вампирским знањем и хумором. Турнеја није крвава или застрашујућа, тако да је погодна за све узрасте. Научите многе забавне и неке изненађујуће чињенице о историји Сан Франциска и како су вампири играли важну улогу у тој историји. Шетња је веома лака, без пењања узбрдо и низбрдо, и прилагођена је инвалидским колицима. Обилазак се одржава сваке прве суботе у месецу од маја до октобра и увече Ноћи вештица са почетком у 20:00 часова. Ноб Хилл може бити веома хладан ноћу, па вас молим да се топло обуците. У ноћи Ноћ вештица биће такмичење у костимима. Они који се не облаче помоћи ће ми да проценим оне који се облаче. Биће неке веома добре награде!
Цити: Сан Франциско
Mon 24 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $30.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $30.00
Шта је укључено
Локални водич
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасла особа<ли>Ради у свим временским условима осим јаке кише. Обуците се прикладно. Ноб Хилл може да постане веома хладан ноћу.<ли>Нема здравствених ограничења.
Шта да очекујете
Граце Цатхедрал
Чућете историју катедрале Грејс и како су вампири играли улогу у тој историји. Нажалост, катедрала се затвара у 18:00, тако да можемо да видимо само спољашњост.
Ноб Хилл
Кафе Ноб Хилл је отворен у време обиласка, али ми не идемо на вечеру. Чућете историју места где се налази кафић.
Хунтингтон Парк
Чућете историју Хантингтон парка, која укључује уклањање гробља у Сан Франциску.
Пацифиц Унион Цлуб
Чућете историју куће и Клуба Пацифик-Унион, заједно са историјом Џејмса Флода, који је саградио кућу за своју породицу пре него што ју је користио Пацифик-Унион клуб.
ИнтерЦонтинентал зграда Марк Хопкинса
Чућете историју хотела Марк Хопкинс и како је породица Хопкинс стекла земљу на којој се налази.
Show 2 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (20)
Jun 2022
I was lucky enough to have a private tour as the other members of the group cancelled due to fear of rain. The quality of the stories and the history behind the locations was top notch. It was a lovely evening spent with what felt like an old friend taking a casual evening stroll around Nob Hill. I would definitely recommend to anyone looking to broaden their horizons and have a little fun.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hi Jonathan, Thanks so much for this wonderful review! I had a lot of fun with you, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the tour! I hope the rest of your trip was good and that you'll come back to San Francisco again. Cheers, Kitty
Jul 2021
Very informative, funny, and a great way to learn about the history of San Francisco during the 1800’s.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Hi Gayle, Thank you so much for this wonderful review! I had so much fun with you and appreciate you coming on the tour.
Oct 2020
Well, I am honestly shocked to share we purchased tickets for October 3, 2020's tour and got stood up. We waited at the corner of Taylor and California (pee the directive of the tickets) for thirty minutes, hoping to see a vampire walk up with her famous candles but nothing. Very disappointing and trying to get in touch with eventbrite and the organizer for a refund but you know how those things go... Maybe choose a pumpkin patch instead if you are trying to enjoy Halloween 2020.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
I am very sorry to read this review. I did not stand the visitors up. The tour has not been operating since March when we were told to stay home, and if we must go out, to wear a mask and keep 6 feet apart. I even contacted the online companies who sell tickets to the tour, including Eventbrite and Viator, when this order was first given, and confirmed with them that the tour would not be operating until the pandemic is over. Everyone I spoke with said that this is what they expected, and I told them that I would contact them again when I was able to be conducting the tour again. I was notified of this reservation the same day the reservation was for, Saturday afternoon, and responded to Eventbrite's message immediately to remind them that the tour was not operating. Their email came as a "no reply" so my response came back to me only. I wrote to the customer right away and replied that tickets should not have been sold to the tour because of the pandemic. The customer called me at about 7:40 that night, 20 minutes before the tour would have begun. I told her that I was surprised that Eventbrite sold tickets to the tour since we are still under instructions not to gather in groups. I attempted to contact Eventbrite, but none of the phone numbers listed were in service. I went on their website to find an email address or another phone number so I could contact them and let them know that I still am not operating the tour. I could not find an email address on the website or a phone number to call and speak with someone. When I spoke with the customer on the phone, she was very nice about it and said not to worry and she understood. She said that since they were in San Francisco, they would have no trouble finding something else to do. As a small business owner, I know how important it is to obey the law, especially in a crisis situation. I have even added a message on the first page of my website in red letters that the tour is not operating due to the Corona Virus until we are told it is safe to do so, and I have sent out posts every so often on my Facebook page reminding people that the tour is not operating until we are told we can gather in groups again. I just sent another one out the other day. Please do not penalize me for obeying the law and doing what we have been asked to do by the government. According to the adage, the customer's always right. This customer does have a right to be upset, but not at me. Please do not fault me for this. I am still trying to contact Eventbrite to clear this up. Thank you.

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