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Цити: Орландо
Mon 21 Oct
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Mon 21 Oct
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Коментара (104)
May 2022
A lovely morning on the 10.30 with Captain Brandon, he told us lots of interesting info and pointed out lots of wild life obviously seeing gators isn’t guaranteed which is very well explained at the start of the trip so we went with the opinion that if we were to see one it would be a bonus! We did catch a glimpse of one which was lucky but even if we hadn’t would still have been a great trip! The lunch and gem mining was great too! Also was very impressed how clean everything was especially the toilets ! A nice break away from the hustle and bustle of Disney!!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Love to hear this, thank you for visiting and taking the time to share your feedback!
May 2022
Family of 6 VIP 1hr private airboat tour. Realise your not guaranteed to see gaters but didn’t stop us all being very disappointed that we never got to witness any of them. I wasn’t fussed about the few birds being pointed out. However I did enjoy the airboat ride but felt it was an expensive trip without seeing alligators in their natural habitat which is the reason we had gone.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience or dissatisfaction you may have experienced. Unfortunately, we give customers the experience of seeing true Florida wildlife and are unable to guarantee any specific type of animal (since they are wild). We apologize if this was not made more clear to you initially and thank you for bringing it to our attention so that we can work to improve this aspect of our service. For passengers hoping to see specific wildlife we recommend calling ahead to find out what time of day they are most prominent. If you were looking for an alligator specifically we do guarantee them, but only on our night tour. If you would, please contact us directly and provide us with further detail so we can address your specific experience. Again, we apologize for your dissatisfaction and hope you give us another opportunity to provide the experience you were looking for in the future. Thank you.
May 2022
Really good experience getting out on the water with our captain Brandon. The VIP 1 hour tour is a perfect way to chill out, we were nearly late but made it to the jetty at the alloted time, quick safety brief, ear defenders on and we're away. Brandon took us out to see whatever wildlife we could find, we seen a load of birds, and a couple of alligators. One gator was chomping down a fish which is unusual during the day. Brandon stopped now and again to see if we were ok, point out bits and pieces and give some info on the creek. We covered basically the whole swamp. If anyone is confused on the native park and boat ride, the whole thing is based in the same park, so the gem mining, cafe, archery etc all in the same place as you set off in the air boat from, you get a wristband pass on the way in and meet the airboat skipper on the jetty at your time, and have free reign of the park before and after. Everything was closed when we visited but to be honest it was tiny and you had to pay extra for everything, I think 10 arrows were like $6 for archery. Park isn't really worth visiting on its own. Didn't visit the cafe/restaurant to rate it. Long story short, air boat is a must do for any holiday, park just a gimmick just have a walk round it after your airboat ride

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