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Цити: Сеаттле
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $86.97
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Уживајте у величанственим 268' моћног водопада. Овај култни водопад је представљен у телевизијској емисији Твин Пеакс.
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Коментара (75)
Jun 2022
My partner and I were disappointed with this tour. The description was misleading as it claimed that we would be visiting Twin Falls as well as Snoqualmie Falls. Being more interested in nature, we really wanted to visit both falls and this is why we booked the tour. However, the guide never drove us to Twin Falls. He said the tour “used to” go there. We also visited two other viewpoints, but rather than provide knowledge at these stops, Jared used this opportunity to share philosophical stories and anecdotes that completely did not relate to the tour. Aside from this, the van was also dirty inside. Overall, not a completely pleasant experience and lacked substance. Also, when we called Viator about the inaccuracy in the description, they basically told us that since we had completed the tour, there was nothing they could do. Not sure if we were supposed to exit the tour early in order to get a refund or voucher as we would have had no transportation back to our starting point without the van.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
I am so sorry this experience was not enjoyable for you. We have had to recently revise the tour recently and there was so miscommunication on the Viator listing. I apologize for that. We will make an effort to keep the van cleaner and the guide's dialogue to subject matter. Thank you for the review! We are always aiming to improve our products.
Jun 2022
The trip was fantastic. Breathtaking views. Nature is amazing! We could have spent all day in the mist of the waterfall but then finishing it off with the city views of Kerry Park. Jared was a very knowledgeable, entertaining guide! Highly recommend the tour!
Jun 2022
Our tour today was absolutely a let down. First thing our tour guide Ben was late. Second we had to stop to fill up the van with gas. Third we paid for this tour because it stated we would be going on a small hike. Fourth we were never told about any informative information what so ever of the destinations. We would of been better just taking an Uber and saving money. We were definitely not the only ones completely dissatisfied. One lady brought hiking boots and Ben told her she would need those because we were not going on a hike. We went to two other stops which were a waste of time. We stood there for like 20-25 minutes doing nothing and being told nothing both stops. We returned at 11:45 after getting a late start, getting gas, and wasting over an hour at two other useless locations. Never took a hike, spent very very little time at waterfalls. Again i never write bad reviews but this one needs to be published. There was no excuse for such a bad tour that we paid good money for something that we were told we were going to do on this tour but never did half of it. I would love a refund but lets see where this review goes.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
So sorry you didn't enjoy your time on the tour. Unfortunately this experience does not include hiking sorry for any confusion there. Thank for your feedback, this is a new tour and we aim to always improve the customer experience.

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