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Ваикики Туртле Сноркел авантура са Манакаи катамараном

Мана Каи Катамаран је 1977. године изградио Вилијам Браун у Хонолулуу на Хавајима. Инспирисан својим оцем - дечаком на плажи Ваикики и легендом о сурфовању, једрењу и успону Вудију Брауну, који је направио први модерни катамаран (Ману Каи).
Цити: Оаху
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $62.82
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Коментара (677)
Feb 2020
We had an an absolutely fantastic time with Jenna and Pono on our afternoon sail. We saw tons of fish and at least 10 large turtles. It was a beautiful afternoon, and the sail was perfectly orchestrated. I’m not a strong swimmer and they were extremely kind and patient with me. Cannot recommend this experience enough. If you have kids, they will love it!
Feb 2020
We booked online which made things easy. The boat was easy to find right on the beach. We took our flip flops off and waded out a little bit and were helped up the ladder onto the boat after signing a waiver. The crew was nice to tell use where to sit to stay dry and where to sit if we want a splash (my kids did)! The boat was clean and the crew even put our bag in a bench so it stayed dry. They were very nice and accommodating. My kids loved the ride out to turtle canyon. We saw a few turtles surface on the way. We were one of the first boats out there. The crew went over some simple instructions and handed out snorkeling equipment. I liked the life vests they used-it was an aqua lung type instead of a basic life jacket so you could choose how much air to have. I had brought a life jacket for my toddler and 5yr old, but they also had life vests for some other kids on our tour. I had a 10, 5, and 22mo old with me. The crew was helpful handing out stuff and trying to find a mask to fit my 5yr old. She is actually a pretty good snorkel-er but unfortunately it was hard finding a mask and snorkel small enough to fit her. They kept filling with water. I wish I had known and I would have brought hers. If you have a set you like-my tip is to bring it. They did not provide fins either which was ok but I can get my kids and I around easier with fins. The masks and snorkels were pretty basic. Mine fogged up every couple minutes but luckily I am experienced and can clear it. That’s the only draw-back about the tour is I would have rather had our own stuff that we have properly cleaned and fit better. It’s February and kind of a windy/rainy day but it was still warm enough to be comfortable In the water. There were lots of waves and the water was cloudy so it was difficult to see the reef and turtles. There were periods is time when it would clear up but visibility was difficult-which is not a reflection of the tour/crew at all obviously and I would still recommend the experience regardless. Soon there were tons of boats and people—this seems to be a very popular trip. I was glad our boat was the first one out there to get a spot and get acclimated. We were out there a while, it was nice not feeling rushed. We saw several turtles swimming down below by the reef. I was very appreciative the crew helped point them out. A family member that didn’t swim was even able to see some dolphins from the boat. It is so special to see these creatures out doing their thing! We mostly interacted with Matt. He was out in the water life guarding. He helped us find the turtles and was so nice letting my kids hold onto his surfboard when needed. He even helped me carry my middle daughter to the beach since I had my hands full, so thank you Matt!
Feb 2020
Best experience ever. My wife an I did this on our 10 year wedding anniversary. Highly recommended!!!!!

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