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Ваикики Туртле Сноркел авантура са Манакаи катамараном

Мана Каи Катамаран је 1977. године изградио Вилијам Браун у Хонолулуу на Хавајима. Инспирисан својим оцем - дечаком на плажи Ваикики и легендом о сурфовању, једрењу и успону Вудију Брауну, који је направио први модерни катамаран (Ману Каи).
Цити: Оаху
Mon 11 Nov
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Са почетком у $62.82
Mon 11 Nov
Са почетком у $62.82
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Коментара (677)
Karen S
Mar 2017
Awesome and FUN crew - Curtis and Brandon took tons of photos for me, and not only a beautiful sail and picturesque back drop of Diamond Head and Waikiki, but they provided history of the island and entertaining Hawaiian facts. Right before we sailed back and docked on the beach, they let everyone take a plunge into the beautiful aqua blue Hawaiian waters. Highly recommend Mana Kai. They offer sailings mornings thru evening sunset.
Feb 2017
We sailed with these guys the other morning. Was a fantastic time, as always! We've sailed with them every year for the last 7 years when we come to Waikiki. The guys are awesome, the ride is fun, and the views are beautiful. We even saw a couple of sea turtles, which was a first for us. In the past, we've seen whales and dolphins, but never turtles, so we were pretty excited about that. This sail is worth every cent. Mahalo guys...hope to see you again next year!
Dec 2016
Right on Waikiki Beach in front of the Duke K statue, this sailboat is available for one hour sails. We did the 10:30 a.m. sail for $30 each. It was a lot of fun. Now, you can sit in the seats, relax and enjoy the views. Or you can sit on the netting or front of the boat and get a huge thrill. My husband laid on the netting and he really had to hold on as the waves hit and tossed him around. I sat on the front and experienced a lot of waves splashing me. The waves were mostly large around Diamond Head. The views of Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head were wonderful. They don't serve drinks on this boat but you're welcome to bring them on with you, You don't have to make reservations, just walk up to the boat and sign up. Its a great one hour sail.

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