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Река Ваилуа и Тајни водопади кајаком и пешачење на Кауаију

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Цити: Кауаи
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $125.00
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Коментара (590)
Nov 2012
Having read the reviews for Duke's, I called and spoke with Chris, who explained how to find Kamokila Hawaiian Village, which is the starting point for the river kayak tour. We signed up for the noon tour. My partner and I arrived a little early because the Duke's river and waterfall tour includes free admission to the village. While the front office/store area where the tickets are collected for entrance to the village gave me the initial impression that it might be a hokey touristy attraction, once inside, the village was actually quite interesting and informative (see separate review), and we wished we'd allowed more than 20 minutes to see it all - having at least 30 minutes would have allowed us a more leisurely amount of time to learn about the uses and history of the various structures. Our two Duke's river guides were friendly, though I felt that they could have been a little more attentive in helping get the kayaks to the water and back, because the kayaks filled with gear are pretty heavy and there is nothing in their ad stating that you have to carry your own kayak to the river. Other than that, the kayak river tour was very calm and pleasant - if you're looking for great adventure along the way, there isn't any because the tour just follows a languid river with lots of lush greenery on each side, but the tour guides have plenty of tales to tell and a number of people in the group struck up conversations. We were there to get away from everything, so we booked it to get far enough ahead to just enjoy the quiet of being on a river. The guides are clear on where to turn to get to the area where we all pulled up to get out for the hike, and this time, the guides were good about pulling the kayaks up on the shore. An easy hike through a thicket of tall green plants became a more moderate uphill hike as after we crossed a shallow river, while the guides told us how that same river had been a massive torrent during a recent storm. The path to the waterfall is not particularly strenuous but would be difficult for anyone with balance or mobility issues, as there are lots of tree roots and some short steep areas. The waterfall was pretty, with a pool of cool water that was pleasant to dip in and I got right under the waterfall just long enough to say I did. The guides had lunch packed for everyone and my partner enjoyed the sandwhich and chips (I had brought my own because I am gluten-intolerant). A leisurely walk back to the kayaks for the return trip to the ancient village starting point. Tipping the guides is the best way to let them know that you enjoyed the overall experience and they were both gracious and appreciative. All in all, I would recommend this for anyone wanting a more leisurely activity while still getting out to see some of the local sights.
Sep 2012
My husband and I went on this kayak tour today for my birthday and it was an amazing experience! Our tour guide was Cainen and he was a super nice and patient! We had a little bit of trouble getting the hang of paddling, but Cainen stuck with us and encouraged us! The hike was not bad at all and the secret falls are beautiful! It was was a little tough paddling up river on the way back due to the winds, but it is managale. We were advised that the morning is the best time to go because it gets tougher to paddle back later in the day. We had a great time and would definitely do this again!
Thomas B
Aug 2012
Have had an amazing paddling, hiking, swimming morning event with Dukes Kayak Tours. Tripp was absolutely well organized. Starting from meeting point (Kamokila Hawaiian Village - giving an idea for something to do afterwards) to the quick step in guide for paddling beginners (informative but not too lengthy) to start of paddling tour. Good boats, pleasant trip on the river to the point, where we stored our kayaks. From here hiking - guides explaining sights, nature and always having some jokes on board. The waterfall - amazing, cool (temperature), bright ... and due to early start, nearly for us alone. Having had enough time on the pool, hike goes back to boats. Way back on the river is a bit more challenging, due to wind - but still easy going. Back on shore organization is perfect as on start of adventure. Big thank you for the perfect trip to the two guides (Evan und Kenan - spelling best guess - trip was 25th August morning tour). Thanks, aloha and have a good one ...

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