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Цити: Савана
Tue 22 Oct
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Са почетком у $25.00
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $25.00
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Коментара (300)
Tulsi S
Aug 2016
I am very shocked. My brother and I found this tour group and saw that almost everyone gave it 5 stars and loved so we thought this was the perfect way to start off our Savannah trip! I had talked to the lady on the phone a couple of days ago and she had told me that they meet at Wright Square at exactly 10:30 AM. My family and I got there at 10:00 AM and we stood there waiting for 20 minutes and no one showed up. She had told me on the phone, that if something were to change she would call me on the number that she took from me. After 10:30, no one still showed up and I checked on the site and it said they meet at Reynold's Square. I don't know if I was given false information or if something changed, then they should've called me to let me know the location has been changed like they said they would. I am very disappointed in this. I am just glad I didn't pay for this beforehand.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2016
This review is currently being investigated for suspicious/fraud activity by TripAdvisor. The reviewer admits in their review that they went to the wrong square, stood at the wrong statue and they arrived at the wrong time. All of our tours meet in Reynolds square at the John Wesley statue and we have done this for the last 8 years. The reviewer admits that they never actually took our tour and they also admitted in their review that they never actually paid for any of our services? The reviewer admits that they went to our website and all our instructions online state all tours depart from Reynolds Square, not Wright square!!!. How is this a valid review? I answer the phone and conduct all the tours. I have given instructions on where to meet for 8 years, the same exact instructions, day in and day out and how likely would it be for me to say....the wrong square, at the wrong monument and at the wrong time? I have not had one person call me and complain about missing a tour. I do not have any record of this person even being on any reservation list. I am 100 percent denying this review as an actual customer and I hope that TripAdvisor completes their investigation promptly. This is ether another tour companies review or this person made a huge mistake and instead of accepting responsibility for their own actions they have decided to write us a false review. I have accepted TripAdvisors Certificate of Excellence for the last five years and I intend to continue to be one of the best tour companies in Savannah for years to come.
Meredith F
Aug 2016
We took the tour with Michelle (?) who was a fantastic tour guide. The tour was organized, both in terms of locations and time periods. She had lots of local knowledge, and was very personable. I would definitely recommend this tour to anyone visiting Savannah.
Aug 2016
Michelle was awesome. My boyfriend and I had not decided what we should do to start our trip in Savannah, but found this walking tour and were hoping we could get on a morning tour. We called at 8am and Michelle was happy to register us for the last 2 spots on her 10:30 tour. She was very clear about where we would meet and the tour started promptly at 10:30. Michelle led a very well organized tour that allowed us to see many squares and important buildings and landmarks while learning great educational and very interesting details about each site. My boyfriend and I learned so much that we actually enjoyed reciting various fun facts we remembered from Michelle's tour our next 2 days walking around Savannah. She has a great sense of humor and incredible passion for history, especially history of Savannah. She provided great tips for other places to see and eat during our visit. We would recommend this walking tour to anyone and actually did recommend it to many couples we met during our stay!

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