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Специјална 45-минутна тура хеликоптером по Западном Мауију и Молокаију

Летите изнад величанственог Мауија и Молокаија на ексклузивним 45-минутним обиласцима хеликоптером на Мауију. Уживајте у дубоким долинама и стеновитим гребенима величанствених Западних Мауи планина и сјају морских литица и водопада неприступачне северне обале Молокаија. Вожње хеликоптером на Мауију укључују стручну причу.
Цити: Мауи
Sun 29 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $276.67
Sun 29 Sep
Са почетком у $276.67
Шта је укључено
45-минутни лет изнад Западног Мауија
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ограничења тежине: Због ФАА прописа, сви путници морају да буду измерени приликом провере -ин. За сваког путника који тежи 240 фунти или више, или комбиноване тежине од 420 фунти по пару, мора се купити додатно седиште у тренутку резервације. Ово је за сигурност и удобност свих путника. Важно је обезбедити тачну телесну тежину при одласку.<ли>Препоручује се да сви путници носе тамну одећу како би имали мање одсјаја у прозорима током лета и стога можете да добијете боље фотографије током путовања<ли>Руте и знаменитости могу да се разликују у зависности од времена.<ли>Бебе млађе од 24 месеца морају да седе у крилу код одраслих. МОЛИМО ВАС КОНТАКТИРАЈТЕ АИР МАУИ АКО ДОВЕДЕТЕ ДЕТЕ. Преко 24 месеца морају заузети сопствено плаћено место. <ли>Молимо вас да контактирате Аир Мауи директно за време пријаве и одласка најмање 72 сата пре лета!<ли>Није приступачно за инвалидска колица. Не постоји лифт за инвалидска колица за смештај путника у инвалидским колицима нити особље може лично/физички помоћи људима да уђу у хеликоптер<ли>Хеликоптер је заједничка кабина са 6 путника и једним пилотом на сваком лету.<ли> Све тежине путника МОРАЈУ се навести у тренутку резервације. Под заступљеношћу телесне тежине може доћи до отказивања приликом пријаве без повраћаја новца.
Шта да очекујете
Молокаи Харбоур
Обиласци хеликоптера Мауија вам омогућавају да уживате у разноврсним пејзажима Мауија, бујним тропским кишним шумама и дубоким долинама испуњеним каскадним водопадима, и доживите део Молокаија који се може видети само из ваздуха!
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (381)
Apr 2019
Air Maui was honest and transparent with us that the afternoon Hana-Haleakala tour we had booked was compromised due to weather. They offered us a refund, another Hana-Haleakala tour, or a West Maui-Molokai cliffs and waterfalls. Since we were there and ready to go, we did it. First time in a chopper for all passengers, a few of whom were nervous. AMAZING. Dylan (sp?) was very pleasant, calm, informative and we felt safe in his helicopter. We were awe-struck at how amazing Molokai cliffs, waterfalls and valleys were. Such a fantastic experience.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Awesome! Happy to hear you enjoyed the alternate route to West Maui and Molokai with Dylan. Aloha!
Gregg H
Apr 2019
My family was excited and nervous about booking a helicopter flight on Maui. My younger adult daughters were of course super excited about the opportunity to fly, not to mention the thrill of the doors off flight in their first helicopter tour. My wife, who is not a thrill seeker, and does not feel overly comfortable flying, agreed to go with the family on the doors off flight. With the help of our exceptional pilot, "Captain Kirk," not only my wife, but the whole family felt comfortable and were amazed not only with astounding beauty of Maui and the surrounding islands, but the knowledge and professionalism of Captain Kirk. His commentary, and his ability to engage all members on the flight made the trip an awesome and memorable experience for my whole family. We explored as much of the island as possible on foot and by car, but this helicopter tour definitely puts a new perspective on the natural, and raw beauty of the island. We were very pleased with the office staff, and their professionalism was top notch. Overall we were very pleased with this opportunity. For those of you worried about sitting in the back and in the middle, open your eyes and enjoy the adventure. I sat there and was still blown away! Thanks again to the pilot and crew at Air Maui!!! The Hanzel family
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thank you so much Hanzel family for the outstanding review of your time spent with us!! I will be sure to pass this on to Kirk and our staff here as well. I hope you all enjoyed the rest of your time here in the islands. Aloha~
Mar 2019
Air Maui was a great company to work with. We booked only a day or 2 before our tour and the timing was great. Helicopter rides don't come cheap but it's an experience that is worth the price. We choose the West Maui and Molokai tour. Doors on for my first time. Glad we did since we did run into some sprinkles while going through the clouds. It was one of those PRICELESS moments. The views are impeccable. The pilot (kurt) was awesome. I did have a white-knuckled moment but our pilot caught on and calmed my nerves. He wanted to give a view like no other but when I noticed I was sideways leaning against the glass looking down my fingers turned numb holding on so tight. Maui is so gorgeous from the air. Waterfalls you can't see otherwise. We even flew over one of the hikes we climbed the previous day. My husband took movies and I took still photos. I just kept clicking and got some great photos. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. Maybe even the doors off. Maybe. Thanks Kurt for a great adventure.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thank you! Such wonderful feedback about your experience flying with our one and only Captain Kirk! We appreciate you taking the time to post a review and look forward to seeing you again for doors off?!

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