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Водопад планине Вест Мауи и обилазак океана преко коња

Активности на планини Мауи нуде јахање које вас одводе до Западних планина Мауија да бисте из даљине видели водопаде (сезонски), а затим се спустили до обале да бисте се возили дуж Тихог океана. Доживите мир родних прашума Мауија и лепоту његових вода. Постоји место за трчање где можете да трчите свог коња, ако желите (ако временске прилике дозвољавају), а ваши водичи ће вас успут фотографисати камером. Обиђите зоолошки врт и доживите изблиза многе животиње, које могу укључивати мини коње, гуске, зечеве, заморце, свиње и овце. Ово је тура од 2 сата. Безалкохолна пића су обезбеђена и бесплатна.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 28 Oct
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Mon 28 Oct
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Препоручују се дуге панталоне, затворене ципеле, крема за сунчање и камера<ли>Минимална старост од 7 година<ли>Ограничење тежине од 230 лбс (104,54 кг) Стриктно придржавање<ли>ТАЧНЕ телесне тежине су обавезне. Ако премашите телесну тежину која нам је дата за 15 фунти, покушаћемо да видимо да ли постоји коњ који може да вас прими. Ако немамо коња за вас, нећете моћи да јашете и неће вам бити враћени новац.<ли>Сва правила и прописи округа Мауи се поштују. Маске нису потребне.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (461)
Aug 2019
My husband and I decided to go horseback riding for our honeymoon. We very much enjoyed the scenery and the guides gave very clear instructions on how to steer and control horses. The guides had us a stop a few times to enjoy the view and take photos. They took the time to get several photos of each group member, which I thought was nice. They also picked fruit growing in the nearby trees and gave us all little samples, which was a nice addition. I have two main cons and one small one - the small one being that the parking attendant was crabby, didn't give clear instructions on where we were supposed to park and got frustrated with us when we didn't understand what he wanted us to do. Not a great start to my morning, but it had nothing to do with the horses, so whatever. First main con - there were 14 people in our group, which I thought was way too many. Some of these people were inexperienced and needed to be closer to the guides, which is understandable, but there were two guides. I think two guides for 14 people isn't enough, especially considering how stubborn some of the horses were and caused some backup in the line. Second main con - The riding trails were SUPER dusty and it was very windy. To the point where I was coughing due to inhaling random dirt being kicked up from the wind. Wearing a hat and sunglasses definitely didn't keep out the dust. When I got into the car after the ride was over, my face was caked in dirt and my eyes were tearing up from the particles trapped under my lids. I didn't care about the fact that I was dirty. When you go horseback riding, it's expected you're going to be covered in dirt and such by the end of it. However, I think it would have been nice for Maui Mountain Activities to warn people before showing up. If they had done so, I would have bought myself a mask to keep from inhaling the dust, which I'm still coughing up three days later. OR they could have provided masks for people with sensitive respiratory systems. The dust definitely took me out of the moment, so perhaps purchase a protective mask beforehand and you'll probably be good to go.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
I am glad you enjoyed most of your ride, but wanted to address your 2 main comments. We have not had rain in about 9 weeks so there may have been some dust on the trails, but this is the first time anyone has asked for a protective mask. I wish we had a little more rain this summer, but I don't get to control the weather. Perhaps anyone with extremely sensitive respiratory systems should do other types of activities that are not outside with wind and horses kicking up dust. We are required 1 guide for every 7 riders. When there are several children in the group or a lot of beginner riders, we do try to put an extra guide on the ride, but normally there are two.
Aug 2019
My daughter has wanted to go horseback riding in Hawaii for years. We finally were able to make reservations and experience this with her. We met the owners and found them to be interested in our safety as well as enjoyment. They also were on top of the care of their horses and they had quite a few on hand to chose from. I am not an experienced rider, my daughter, son and partner are...we were matched with horses that fit those requirements. The ride was beautiful. It was very dusty as they hadn't had rain in awhile and consequently we were covered in reddish brown dirt. It was worth it. Our guides were Selena and Fred(dy). They were great and chatted with us the entire journey. If you like horses and have the opportunity, this was awesome!
Kevin L
Aug 2019
From the people to the horses to the views. This was a beautiful experience and something you must try if you are on the island of Maui.

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