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Водопад планине Вест Мауи и обилазак океана преко коња

Активности на планини Мауи нуде јахање које вас одводе до Западних планина Мауија да бисте из даљине видели водопаде (сезонски), а затим се спустили до обале да бисте се возили дуж Тихог океана. Доживите мир родних прашума Мауија и лепоту његових вода. Постоји место за трчање где можете да трчите свог коња, ако желите (ако временске прилике дозвољавају), а ваши водичи ће вас успут фотографисати камером. Обиђите зоолошки врт и доживите изблиза многе животиње, које могу укључивати мини коње, гуске, зечеве, заморце, свиње и овце. Ово је тура од 2 сата. Безалкохолна пића су обезбеђена и бесплатна.
Цити: Мауи
Sun 27 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $145.83
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $145.83
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђене су торбе и шлемови
Све активности ће бити вођене
Освјежење (сода, сок, вода) ће бити доступно и бесплатно.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Препоручују се дуге панталоне, затворене ципеле, крема за сунчање и камера<ли>Минимална старост од 7 година<ли>Ограничење тежине од 230 лбс (104,54 кг) Стриктно придржавање<ли>ТАЧНЕ телесне тежине су обавезне. Ако премашите телесну тежину која нам је дата за 15 фунти, покушаћемо да видимо да ли постоји коњ који може да вас прими. Ако немамо коња за вас, нећете моћи да јашете и неће вам бити враћени новац.<ли>Сва правила и прописи округа Мауи се поштују. Маске нису потребне.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (461)
Zachary P
Mar 2019
It was a lot of fun. The horses where really great and the staff was really good to us. They took lots of pictures with us. And they even let us run with the horses a litte
Feb 2019
Nice scenery, trail and people, especially guides but too disorganized. They were 25 min late picking us up ,then obviously had overbooked 17 riders and said they had to split us into 2 groups. I was in 2nd group and had to wait another 35 minutes while they ferried first group up to stables and saddle them up. Finally when we made it up to the stable they had not counted how many riders they had booked and there not enough horses saddled up. I was left to wait yet again while they went to the pasture and brought back the oldest horse and got him ready. Our ride started 90 min after it was supposed to.He was a gentle horse but not a good fit for me as it was extremely large, I am 5'1 and my feet could barely reach the stirrups. The reins were too short and there was barely any space between by bottom and the saddle when I tried to stand up. This resulted in uncomfortable jarring when the horse cantered or trotted which is was not supposed to do but because it was old and slow, the guide would hurry it along by whipping it with his reins and then it would take off unexpectedly, even though I am a beginner and have no experience with more than a slow walk. Every time the horse tried to eat grass, which was often, I was pulled way forward due to the short reins if I tried to hold on to them. I have not written reviews previously but felt others should be prepared for a long wait, possibly a horse that is not a good fit for them and equipment that also does not work well for their size. This business needs to value customer experience more than $$.
Wanda V
Feb 2019
The trail ride was one of the best things my husband and I did in Maui. The owners of the ranch were caring and accommodating. Even though the rain made it unsafe for us to do the mountain part of the tour we got a great ride down to the beach. The 3 guides that went with us were the best, friendly and helpful. Extra shout out to Matt who told us stories of Maui history , places and plants of interest. This ride is a must when your in Maui. Thank you for the great morning we will be back on our next trip to Maui. Wanda & Chris

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