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Водопад планине Вест Мауи и обилазак океана преко коња

Активности на планини Мауи нуде јахање које вас одводе до Западних планина Мауија да бисте из даљине видели водопаде (сезонски), а затим се спустили до обале да бисте се возили дуж Тихог океана. Доживите мир родних прашума Мауија и лепоту његових вода. Постоји место за трчање где можете да трчите свог коња, ако желите (ако временске прилике дозвољавају), а ваши водичи ће вас успут фотографисати камером. Обиђите зоолошки врт и доживите изблиза многе животиње, које могу укључивати мини коње, гуске, зечеве, заморце, свиње и овце. Ово је тура од 2 сата. Безалкохолна пића су обезбеђена и бесплатна.
Цити: Мауи
Sun 27 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $145.83
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $145.83
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђене су торбе и шлемови
Све активности ће бити вођене
Освјежење (сода, сок, вода) ће бити доступно и бесплатно.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Препоручују се дуге панталоне, затворене ципеле, крема за сунчање и камера<ли>Минимална старост од 7 година<ли>Ограничење тежине од 230 лбс (104,54 кг) Стриктно придржавање<ли>ТАЧНЕ телесне тежине су обавезне. Ако премашите телесну тежину која нам је дата за 15 фунти, покушаћемо да видимо да ли постоји коњ који може да вас прими. Ако немамо коња за вас, нећете моћи да јашете и неће вам бити враћени новац.<ли>Сва правила и прописи округа Мауи се поштују. Маске нису потребне.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (461)
Aug 2022
We split up our review by each person so you can get different perspectives on this tour: Dad: You get a great value for your time and money. We generally go horseback riding on our trips (Montana, Idaho, Zion, Malibu, Kauai, Maui) and this was by far the best we've ever been on. The tour guides were amazing, knowledgeable, and friendly. They assessed our kids' skill level and gave them the appropriate tempered horse. What I loved is that they allowed them to trot a little faster than others since they looked comfortable on the horse. The trail was amazing, with amazing views. You will most likely get very very dusty. It took us 3-4 scrubs to get all the red dust out, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Mom: I liked that they took the time to personalize the experience based on each individual's experience level. 7-yo daughter: It was really fun. I loved getting to see the ocean and really liked riding the horse on the mountain. My horse was really kind. The funny thing was he would stop, go a little, stop, go a little, He was funny. My horse was fast and that's what I liked about him. Whenever he ran it was so fun. 9-yo daughter: It was really fun, especially when the horses run. Normally when we go horseback riding they don't let the horses run, but here they let them run and it made it fun. I liked that it was really long too, you get to enjoy it when it's a longer ride. And the path we went through was really beautiful.
Greg F
Aug 2022
Booked this months in advance. When we got there, everyone signed in and waiver forms were signed. Just before horses were assigned, an employee pulled me (and a mom and dad from another family) aside and told us we wouldn’t be riding because their horses were “exhausted” and needed to rest. No apology - just an announcement in a gruff, matter-of-fact tone. None of us were near the stated 230 lb. weight limit so that was t the issue. Things happen - but to not get a call even a day in advance so my family could do something else - vs waiting until after we got up very early, drove an hour from Kaanapali and got there by 8am, and checked in before dropping the news when you would have darn well known in advance if you didn’t plan to have enough horses - is shady and underhanded. Sat in the car for 2 hours waiting as a result. Ruined experience. If you are looking to ride horseback in Maui, 100% avoid this outfit and look elsewhere.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
This is completely incorrect. We were extremely apologetic for this unfortunate situation. We are here to make happy memories for people and want everyone to have the time of their lives and that is why we tried to contact the customer for 2 days prior to his activity with no response to our voicemails and text. Some customers have weighed in 20-30lbs heavier than the weights we are given so we try to give a courtesy call to anyone 200lbs up to make sure the weights are accurate especially when a reservation is made 6 months ahead. I am sorry that you were unable to ride but we strictly adhere to our weight limit because this is a very strenuous trail and the safety of our riders and our horses is most important. We have 32 horses which is more than enough horses to accommodate all 12 riders that we take per day. We offered a full refund for 1 or all riders in the family. We also offered for anyone in the family to switch to atvs at no additional cost but all options were declined.
Aug 2022
The leaders were very helpful and great with kids. The horses are very well taken care of. They were great horses.

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