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Екскурзија за посматрање китова и роњење на Западном Мауију

Уживајте у величанственим китовима Мауија из заиста јединствене перспективе. Ова 3-сатна еко авантура кајаком и роњењем усредсређена је на посматрање грбавих китова и укључује место за роњење које је забавно за целу породицу. Веслајте кроз мирне, чисте воде Пацифика тражећи китове, а затим скочите у океан на роњење уз прелепу разноликост живописних тропских риба, зелених морских корњача и још много тога. Поред тога, наше мале групе и сертификовани водичи обезбеђују незаборавно искуство.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $106.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $106.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (19)
Jan 2020
It ended up only being me, my friend, and our guide Mark on our excursion. Mark was an excellent guide and we all had a lot of fun together. We got to see many whales, and had a few very close encounters which was absolutely awe-inspiring!! The views of the surrounding islands and Maui are so beautiful when you get out there. Mark kept us in good hands and made us feel safe out there. After whale watching we got to snorkel along the reef. We swam with a lot of turtles and even got to see a monk seal! Definitely recommend doing this. It was one of my highlights of the whole trip!
Mar 2019
On a calm Tuesday morning, my wife and I along with a family of four from Texas took a three-hour whale watching and snokeling trip via kayak. Our guide was Mark, who was knowledgeable, helpful, and patient with all of us as he ensured we all safely got into our kayaks and helped provided pointers to the first-time kayakers. The start of our trip began with seeing a couple of turtles. As we passed the break point, we saw in the distance (maybe 200 metres) a humpback whale breaching. It was a great sight. My wife and I then paddled ahead, and we came across a mother and her calf coming up for air right in front of us, about 10 to 15 metres away. We all settled in this area, sitting in the middle of two pairs of mother-calf combinations. Talk about awe-inspiring. The trip ended with spotting some reef sharks and snorkeling. The water was warm and clear, although there wasn't too much marine activity in this area. Nonetheless, the whales made the trip a memorable experience.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thanks for your review! We are happy you enjoyed your time with us. Mahalo.
Mar 2019
We had a great time on this excursion. We booked the kayak/snorkel trip. Our guides name was Garrett and he was really easy going and knowledgeable. We were lucky enough to be there during peak ‘whale watching’ season. As soon as we paddled out we were surprised by a momma whale, her calf and her escort. They swam in very close to shore and it gave us the chance to really see them up close. We were thinking about doing a whale watching boat tour, but this was soooo much better! It was a truly amazing experience. I’ve been snorkeling in the Caribbean before, so, I can’t say that was super impressed with Maui’s snorkeling/reef life (at least where we were). But the kayaking around was super fun. We did the 7 am excursion, and I’m glad we did because the whales were more active in the mornings.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thank you for your review. We value your feedback. Mahalo.

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