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Крстарење за посматрање китова и делфина из Кејп Меја

Придружите се капетану Џефу Стјуарту и његовој искусној посади на крстарењу заливом Делавер и Атлантским океаном за трочасовно искуство посматрања китова и делфина. Ушће у заливу Делавер је уточиште за многе врсте морског живота, укључујући грбаве китове, атлантске добре делфине, зраке Манта, ајкуле вршалице, ајкуле чекићаре, лучке плискавице, лучке фоке, северне ганете, велике стрижене воде, галебове ћелаве и ала мноштво рибљих врста. Ово крстарење омогућава невероватно искуство на мору за породицу, као и за искусне авантуристе и морепловце, а у потпуности га прича ваш капетан, који ће указати на локалну историју заједно са многим врстама морског живота. <бр>Пловила у флоти Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер укључују 110 стопа дугачку Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер и 125 стопа дугачку Атлантис. Они су највећи те врсте, нудећи климатизацију и грејање, тоалете, седишта на горњој палуби и пуне барове са грицкалицама и јелима. Нуде максималну удобност!
Цити: Цапе Маи
Sat 09 Nov
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Sat 09 Nov
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Коментара (522)
Jun 2015
My boyfriend and I have been wanting to check this out for a year. We went yesterday for my 50th birthday. The boat is about what you would expect (good size, has some snacks and drinks for sale, a few decks, etc. Nothing fancy but wouldn't expect it to be) We did see quite a bit of dolphins (about 4 schools, 3-4 dolphins each time.) We didn't see whales, but of course that is not guaranteed. Several reasons for the less than stellar reviews: 1. I emailed them 2-3 weeks before the trip for some info and never got a response. 2. I finally called and got vague and uninterested responses from the person who answered the phone. I booked in spite of these things instead of the competing Dolphin and Whale Research Center because I had a gift certificate. 3. I called again the day of the trip since where we live 60 miles north it was cloudy with a forecast of high wind and possible rain, but Cape May weather forecast was a little better. Not sure if it was the same woman who answered as in #2, but she whoever did was snark, rude and sarcastic when I asked her about the wind and whether they thought the ride would be rough because of it. (Sorry, I didn't want to spend my 50th bd vomitting on a boat) 4. We decided to take a chance and go. Well, the Captain's rudeness put the receiptionist to shame. From my boyfriend asking whether there was a bathroom on board (because I went to use it and the boat was leaving, he wanted to make sure I wasn't off the boat) to berating the group of children on board, his attitude and behavior was atrocious. I understand safety is a concern and because of the rough waters he had to tell them to keep their seats...but telling them if you fall off you are "goners" and "done?" Never mind countless other sarcastic comments. My boyfriend is usually VERY laid back, but he also could not believe the attitude. C'mon people, this is a TOURIST attraction. You are supposed to be NICE!!!!! NOBODY WAS. They were all either very rude, or completely stone faces or disinterested. 4. We couldn't go too far into the deeper waters where whales are typically sought out because the water was choppy and people up front were complaining. (Exactly why I called to ask about this!!!!) The same people who wouldn't move upstairs where it was much more bearable. I understand not going for safety, but we weren't thrilled about turning back for a vew complainers. the captain took up the time with an informative tour of the harbor, but I didn't drive 90 mintues for tour the harbor/marina where the boat was docked. If it werent for the staff's rudeness I would still recommend it Instead, I'd say check out the other place..it seems impossible they wouldn't be nicer, and their boats were in the same spots we were (except for the habor tour) Overall we are glad we went. The captain was knowledeable about dolphins and my boyfriend and I both liked that he pointed out to passengers what we arleady knew but not everyone does - that dolphins in captivity live short, miserable lives (5 years, go blind from chlorine and a host of other things). In the wild they live for 40ish years in groups of famililes often spanning multiple generation. In shorty, that they belong in the wild, not a hotel or swim with dolphins program.
Michael N
Jun 2015
Had a great time in the cruise. We were on a cruise with lots of room which was nice because you could move around if you wanted. Saw tons of Dolphins including baby Dolphins and had great views as we cruised along the coast. Spent a good chunk of time near the Dolphins but started out to sea for the last two hours but no whales. Still had a fun time.
Robert L
Jun 2015
Quality of boat and service is very high. Staff friendly and helpful, but the excursion chased dolphins around for most of the allotted time, and spent very little time in deeper water where whales may have been spotted. If I had to guess, operators probably knew there were no whales around (something they cannot control), and made the best of the situation.

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