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Крстарење за посматрање китова и делфина из Кејп Меја

Придружите се капетану Џефу Стјуарту и његовој искусној посади на крстарењу заливом Делавер и Атлантским океаном за трочасовно искуство посматрања китова и делфина. Ушће у заливу Делавер је уточиште за многе врсте морског живота, укључујући грбаве китове, атлантске добре делфине, зраке Манта, ајкуле вршалице, ајкуле чекићаре, лучке плискавице, лучке фоке, северне ганете, велике стрижене воде, галебове ћелаве и ала мноштво рибљих врста. Ово крстарење омогућава невероватно искуство на мору за породицу, као и за искусне авантуристе и морепловце, а у потпуности га прича ваш капетан, који ће указати на локалну историју заједно са многим врстама морског живота. <бр>Пловила у флоти Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер укључују 110 стопа дугачку Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер и 125 стопа дугачку Атлантис. Они су највећи те врсте, нудећи климатизацију и грејање, тоалете, седишта на горњој палуби и пуне барове са грицкалицама и јелима. Нуде максималну удобност!
Цити: Цапе Маи
Sat 28 Dec
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Sat 28 Dec
Са почетком у $45.00
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Коментара (522)
Carol L
Aug 2012
My family and I had an excellent experience on board this ship. Not only was it clean and the staff friendly but they will stamp your ticket if you do not see what the owner believes you should see!! Yes folks they really do live by that!! It has happened to us and we have returned with out stamped tickets the following year!!! The land that was going to be sold off for more condo;s was purchased but this family and as promised has kept FREE access to the bay open for the public- My family and I are very happy to give the Cape May Whale Watcher our business!! And no people I am not in any way related--- But Way to go Cape May Whale Watcher I look forward to many more trips searching for dolphins and whales in the future Carol L
Aug 2012
My wife and I were traveling from Gettysburg Pa to go see the whales and dolphins at Cape May NJ.We arrived later than the departure time so my wife asked the lady at the booth what the difference was between the whale watch and the dolphin watch.The lady explained that the whale watch was 3 hours and traveled up to 25 miles offshore into the Atlantic to see the whales where as the Dolphin watch only circled the island to see the Dolphins.My wife thanked her and we stepped to the side to discuss whether we would stay a night in Cape May and do the 3 hour whale watch the next day or do the 2 hour dolphin watch that day and head up the coast.As we were talking I heard the lady in the booth mock my wife's question about the difference between the two tours and then laugh.We went to the front of the booth after hearing this and my wife asked this lady why she was mocking her question to her co-worker and laughing about the question? The response she got was this, I wasn't talking to any co-worker about the stupid question,do you see anyone in here with me and who asks a stupid like you did and laughed.I took over the conversation at that point and asked the lady in the booth if she always talks to herself and laughs about questions that her customers ask,she became very agitiated at that and began telling me NO-ONE has ever asked such a stupid question.I told the lady we had travelled from Ontario Canada to come this business to go out and see whales but with her attitude we would be moving on to another place who can be a little more respectful of the customers.Her response to that was " OH YOUR FROM CANADA, THAT EXPLAINS THE STUPID QUESTION!!" At that point I was getting very angry so I asked to speak to the owner of the business about her ignorant attitude,she threw her arms in the air and said guess what,I AM THE OWNER!! I exchanged a few more words about her attitude and rudeness and told her I hope her business goes under.She cackled and laughed and said thousands of people come here each season,you are two of the thousands so don't count it. I told her well I hope she doesn't treat all her customers this way and we walked away.My wife and I have been to Gloucester Mass. to go see whales and dolphins and have had the most pleasant experience and seen lots of whales.I would recommend any one wanting to see whales in the Atlantic ocean also do the same,head to Boston or Gloucester (http://www.7seas-whalewatch.com/ ) or you could be the next victim of the Cape May Whale Watcher's owners Ignorant, rude and disrespectful attitude. It sure left a bad taste in our mouth's Kirk Plewes Ingersoll Ontario Canada
Tim M
Aug 2012
My wife and I took our grandkids on the Dolphin - Whale Watching trip form 1pm to 3pm. Started off Great many Dolphins to see including babies. Tried to see whales but we were unlucky. No one saw whales on this particular day. The staff is excellant and knowledgable. I suggest you bring binoculars, you can rent them for $5. Also, bring a snack or drink. The food, drink and candy are pricey and not real good. OK for kids, but not adults. Try and be on dock a 1/2 hour prior so the ship does not have to wait. It will cut into the 3 hour adventure.

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