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Крстарење за посматрање китова и делфина из Кејп Меја

Придружите се капетану Џефу Стјуарту и његовој искусној посади на крстарењу заливом Делавер и Атлантским океаном за трочасовно искуство посматрања китова и делфина. Ушће у заливу Делавер је уточиште за многе врсте морског живота, укључујући грбаве китове, атлантске добре делфине, зраке Манта, ајкуле вршалице, ајкуле чекићаре, лучке плискавице, лучке фоке, северне ганете, велике стрижене воде, галебове ћелаве и ала мноштво рибљих врста. Ово крстарење омогућава невероватно искуство на мору за породицу, као и за искусне авантуристе и морепловце, а у потпуности га прича ваш капетан, који ће указати на локалну историју заједно са многим врстама морског живота. <бр>Пловила у флоти Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер укључују 110 стопа дугачку Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер и 125 стопа дугачку Атлантис. Они су највећи те врсте, нудећи климатизацију и грејање, тоалете, седишта на горњој палуби и пуне барове са грицкалицама и јелима. Нуде максималну удобност!
Цити: Цапе Маи
Tue 05 Nov
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Tue 05 Nov
Са почетком у $45.00
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Коментара (522)
Jul 2011
My wife and I took a 2 hour trip with the Cape May Whale Watcher and it was a very enjoyable excursion. The Captain gave a very informative narration about various points of interest along the way as he attempted to locate Atlantic Bottle Nose Dolphins. He was very successful as we saw dolphins for much of the trip. We took this excursion several years ago and while it was enjoyable enough to make a return visit, my recollection of that trip was that we saw a few dolphins quite some distance from the boat. On this trip , however, we saw many groups of dolphins that were quite close to the boat. As we picked up speed to head back to the marina a group of several dolphins swam and leapt within the wake of the ship for quite a long distance, apparently for the shear fun of it. What a great way to conclude the trip. It was great way to spend the morning on a beautiful summer day.
Jul 2011
My husband and my 10 year old daughter booked the "big trip" during our recent vacation to Cape May. We were very excited to be out on a boat and I did my research in order to find out how and where to go. I stumbled across the "Cape May Whale Watcher" and by all intensive purposes the website looked amazing and very professional. It even had a guarantee that you will see mammals on the trip (leading you to believe whales) or your money back. We purchased the tickets and were horribly disappointed for what occurred! Not only did we NOT see any whales, but all the captain did was take us out in the area where the dolphins were swimming (thus ensuring that you do not get your money back) and not to mention, we could see the dolphins from the beach! The tickets were VERY expensive, and the boat does not even offer a free glass of water. They have snacks and drinks that you can purchase, but after spending well over a 100 dollars for the tickets we did not want to buy anything else on the boat. Oh, and yes the captain was full of dolphin facts including how many times they mate every day for fun. That was interesting explaining it to my child. At one point, he also said "look folks, there is a wave off to your left." A wave???
Jul 2011
This is easily the nicest Whale Watch I've ever been on. Not that the Gloucester, MA and Plymouth, MA were bad, but this company's fleet has some extra special features: 1 - We saw TONS of dolphins! 2 - The staff is VERY knowledgeable about the animals and we learned some interesting information about them and the Cape May area/ecology. 3 - It is a family-run business and their extra touches show. I have never been on a whale watch with so many staff members dedicated (with binoculars and equipment) to search for the marine life. 4 - Seating is nicely cushioned - not the normal hard benches I've become used to! 5 - One of the open deck areas has lounge chairs - great for when you're going out to the whale/dolphin watching spots. 6 - Great food options. Pizza comes from the local pizza place next door and was kept nice and hot. Yes, it costs more than at the pizza place itself, but I completely expected this. I have NEVER been on a whale watch or harbor crusie/tour that didn't have inflated prices. I'm just used to overpaying for low-quality hot dogs! The pizza was a welcome change. 7 - They have binoculars for rent. They only charge $5 for the entire trip and claim that it is merely to replace broken rental binoculars and account for ones that inevitably go overboard from time to time. Having the binoculars for $5 was a deal, considering that it enhanced the experience and I don't own a pair of binoculars (even if I did, I probably wouldn't carry them around on vacation with me!). 8 - One of the interior areas has plenty of seating (great if the weather turns) and has FANTASTIC air-conditioning. It was 95 degrees the day we visited in early June, and it was nice to have a place to cool off for a couple of minutes. This is great for kids and the elderly. 9 - Bathrooms were big for a whale watch and very clean. Now, please keep in mind that sighting animals is never guaranteed on these sort of trips. I have been on trips where we only see whales for 5 minutes at the end of the trip. On this particular trip, we saw TONS of dolphins. I was actually more interested in the dolphins because they are not something we have seen on other trips (simply because of location). The dolphins were in a show-off mood, and jumped out of the water with their babies and juveniles! Despite the crews efforts, we did not see any whales. However, I thought they did a good job of splitting our time between looking for dolphins and whales. After all, the trip we went on was called a Dolphin and Whale watch! I highly recommend this tour. The crew is great, truly cares about the clientele and the boat is top notch!

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