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Крстарење за посматрање китова и делфина из Кејп Меја

Придружите се капетану Џефу Стјуарту и његовој искусној посади на крстарењу заливом Делавер и Атлантским океаном за трочасовно искуство посматрања китова и делфина. Ушће у заливу Делавер је уточиште за многе врсте морског живота, укључујући грбаве китове, атлантске добре делфине, зраке Манта, ајкуле вршалице, ајкуле чекићаре, лучке плискавице, лучке фоке, северне ганете, велике стрижене воде, галебове ћелаве и ала мноштво рибљих врста. Ово крстарење омогућава невероватно искуство на мору за породицу, као и за искусне авантуристе и морепловце, а у потпуности га прича ваш капетан, који ће указати на локалну историју заједно са многим врстама морског живота. <бр>Пловила у флоти Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер укључују 110 стопа дугачку Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер и 125 стопа дугачку Атлантис. Они су највећи те врсте, нудећи климатизацију и грејање, тоалете, седишта на горњој палуби и пуне барове са грицкалицама и јелима. Нуде максималну удобност!
Цити: Цапе Маи
Sat 08 Mar
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Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $45.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све физичке способности нивои<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у већини временских услова, молимо да се обуците прикладно<ли>Молимо да дођете сат времена пре поласка; укрцавање почиње пола сата пре поласка<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину.<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавне површине<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
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Коментара (522)
Oct 2021
They knew the appropriate places to go and we had several dolphin and we even did spot a humpback whale they stayed extra long hunting and it was a great crew
Oct 2021
Very reasonably priced! The tour guide was extremely knowledgeable and personable! Our boat was lucky enough to find a whale and stay alongside for a while. It was beautiful. Length of time is also perfect! 3 hours for a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Sep 2021
My family and I attended a 3 hour 1pm Dolphin and Whale watching show. The captain was knowledgeable and informative. While on the cruise my wife and I were racially discriminated against by another guest. When I stood for myself one of the crew came asked what happened, after I explained the situation and said there were witnesses could also speak about the situation. The Crew man’s response was I needed to be quiet. The person who was racially attacked and decided to stand up for himself and his family needed to be quiet. Sorry, that is not ok, and it is very unfortunate to see racial discrimination in a whale watching cruise out of all things. Sorry if my family and I are sitting on a bench where we were told we are allowed to sit and it was a green light for someone to use racial comments against us and call us names. Also, sorry the crew member who came to help by telling me to quite as if I am supposed to take the racial discrimination quietly. I would strongly suggest not to attend any of their services, unless you are ok with being told to stay quite when you are attacked for your race and skin color
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Amit, We are incredibly concerned by your review. We strive to be helpful on all our Cruises. The crew is there aboard the ship to keep passengers safe and happy. Racial discrimination and any discrimination is acceptable aboard our vessel. Your review, as I mentioned in your other review on Google, brought on a full investigation of your trip the day after it occurred. No crew member will be allowed to choose favorites or discriminate. We interviewed the crew and also reviewed all of the security cameras for the trip. These are our findings. The crew reports that a group of individuals boarded the boat and immediately ordered two margaritas and two Long Island iced Teas which after verifying these individuals were of age, the bartender served the group. In a short period of time the group ordered the same two margaritas and two Long Island iced teas. The bartender made other recommendations but ultimately served the group and then observed the group more closely. It turns out in a group of 8 people only two were consuming these beverages. The bartender alerted the crew. The crew closely observed the group of individuals who decided to go to the bow of the boat. The job of the crew is to keep customers safe first and happy second. In most cases we serve beverages aboard the boat so that folks relax and enjoy their vacation. Occasionally, folks see the bar aboard the boat and think it’s party time. The group of individuals were in the bow of the boat and the crew asked them to hold on and they refused. They were asked four times to hold on and then told to sit down and they refused. At this point the crew alerted the captain of the drink orders and the captain flagged the two individuals. Then others from the group ordered some beers and then gave them to these two flagged individuals who were displaying inappropriate behavior. The group these two individuals were with was then flagged as they were continuing to provide alcoholic beverages to individuals who were intoxicated and deemed a threat to themselves. The group then proceeded to taunt and make fun of the crew which is not surprising given the circumstances. The group of individuals then decided to sit down at a table which was already occupied by others. Seating is general admission aboard the boat. Reports of obscenities being shouted between this group and an elderly woman and her grandson in the cabin we’re the next thing that happened. At this time our crew came into the picture again, requesting that the individuals lower their voices and stop shouting obscenities around children. The crew member then asked both this group and the elderly woman for their versions of the story. They both told their story and then the crew member asked that the elderly woman not talk to the group and the group not talk to the elderly woman for the remainder of the trip in order to keep the peace aboard a ship at sea. The group of individuals then requested to talk to the captain in reference to why they were flagged. The group continued to try and order everything from white claws to Johnny walker black label. The captain at the dock verified that the group in question had a designated driver and explained exactly why they were flagged. Our trips are very much public and can have up to 400 people all in one boat. Our crew has zero tolerance for public drunkenness and cursing around minors. We did the best we could given the circumstances. Again, a bar on a boat can be an enjoyable experience for most folks and it is a shame when this luxury is abused. It is far worse when the crew which is trying to save a person from injuring themselves is accused of discrimination. We are happy to report that no one was injured and our crew performed exactly as trained. Captain Jeff

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