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Најбоље посматрање китова орка је из луке Фридеј, на острву Сан Хуан, само лагана једнодневна авантура из центра Сијетла. Острва Сан Хуан се сматрају „драгуљем“ северозапада Пацифика, а налазе се у заливу Пјуџет.
Цити: Острва Сан Хуан
Sat 26 Oct
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Sat 26 Oct
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Острво Сан Хуан
Острво Сан Хуан се сматра најбољим местом за посматрање китова орка јер лосос, који је њихов главни извор хране (око 95% онога што једу), путује горе-доле западном обалом острва Сан Хуан и околним подручјима. Крените у ову турнеју посматрања китова и погледајте китове орке који су виђени на преко 90% обилазака са могућношћу да уочите минке, грбаве и сиве китове да буду виши. Које је најбоље време да видите китове орке? Било када. Напољу су по цео дан. Гарантовано ћете видети морске сисаре и вратити се са успоменама за цео живот! Уживајте у лепоти острва Сан Хуан на ексклузивном крстарењу за посматрање китова из луке Фридеј. Запловите на брзу, нову 55 стопа МВ Сеа Лион (са прозором, грејаном кабином, која може да прими до 24 госта). 40 или мање гостију на овом удобном броду са шетњом око палубе.
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Коментара (660)
Kristina O
Apr 2016
My husband and I just got back from our whale watching trip yesterday with San Juan Safaris and it was INCREDIBLE!!! First off, from the time we booked the trip, their communication has been stellar. They emailed in advance that there was a location change due to construction, but gave good clear directions & kept it very close to the ferry dock for easy walking access. (Just to note for all those visiting & unfamiliar with the area, Friday Harbor, where you get off the ferry to take your whale watching trip has everything relatively within walking distance including many shops, restaurants, and the boarding dock of both the ferry and where you go to get on the whale watching boat. However, due to our trip going longer than expected, most shops close at 5pm, just after we got back so we were limited on places to go while waiting for the next ferry. Disabled access is limited and you may still want a car available. Wheelchairs are NOT allowed on the whale watching boat). Once we had our brief orientation at the meeting spot, we started our journey... our tour guide/naturalist was Sarah & ship captain was Mike... both were awesome & Sarah was so fun and enthusiastic, you can tell she truly loves her job & these amazing animals & she talks about the baby whales like they are her nieces & nephews. She gives lot's of great information and makes sure everyone in the boat knows what is going on & answers any questions & knows every whale by name! (You gotta ask her how they can tell all the whales apart!) They offer blankets & binoculars to use on board & you can bring your own drinks & snacks on board (no glass/alcohol) & have a small bathroom on board if needed. Since our trip was just before their peek-season, we had to go a bit further out than expected, but it's nice that they are in constant communication with other whale spotters and they share information. We got to see humpback whales, (rare to see 2 breeds in the same trip), and although that was fun to see, I was a little disappointed thinking we weren't gonna get to see the orcas. Mike kept going, following possible leads & we had to end up going all the way out to Canadian waters, but eventually, there they were, it was SPECTACULAR! We were surrounded!!! We got to see mama & babies & the oldest known whale at 110 yr old, known as "Granny"! (Also got to hear about how Granny not only adopted an orphaned whale but also disciplines the teenage boy whale with her tail smacks when he goes out flirting with the girl whale from the other pod... sound like any humans you know???) On the way back, we also got to see seals, sea lions & bald eagles. Our trip lasted an hour and half past what was expected but it was totally worth it & impressive that the crew would be so persistent to make sure we had a memorable trip & got to see the orcas! It was a truly amazing adventure & although they can't guarantee what the whales will do in each trip & every excursion will be different... I HIGHLY recommend it & we'd totally do it again anytime. (Also note: dress warm/in layers, though we had ideal weather, with the wind blowing on you it still gets mighty cold! And a note about tipping, multiple signs are posted, "Tipping is not expected but always appreciated").
Apr 2016
Whenever we visit the San Juan Islands we like to get out on the water as much as possible and San Juan Safaris is our favorite outfitter for doing so. San Juan Safaris guides and naturalists are professional and possess an enthusiasm for their jobs that is unmatched. Whenever we go on a whale watching tour with San Juan Safaris (this is our third time) we always leave inspired by the scenery, but more importantly the people. In addition to fantastic staff you won't find nicer boats or equipment. We happened to be up in the San Juan Islands for San Juan Safaris first whale watching tour of the year. The weather was superb and although we did not see any whales (it was still early in the season) we witnessed an abundance of wildlife up close and in its natural environment. San Juan Safari's whale watching tours never seem overcrowded and it is always easy to find a spot on the boat to yourself. Spending the day with people who are passionate about what they do breathes new life into your own aspirations. After a day of whale watching I felt happy and privileged to spend time with people who follow their dreams and live life at their own pace.
Apr 2016
We love orcas and have always wanted to see them in the wild. We were going to be in the Pacific Northwest for a wedding, and even though it wasn't peak whale watching season yet we signed up for the seaplane whale watching adventure. The seaplane flight up provided by Kenmore Air was thrilling and beautiful. The plane flies at only about 1000-2000 feet so you get a wonderful view of the scenery for the whole 40 minute flight to Friday Harbor. We had plenty of time for breakfast, then checked in for the whale watching tour. The weather was a little rough and the sea was a little choppy, and there were only six people on the tour, so the folks at San Juan Safaris could easily have cancelled the trip. But they didn't. We went out and saw TWO pods of orcas. It was amazing. The naturalist Kevin had lots of information to share, and the captain of the boat navigated those rough seas brilliantly, taking us all the way around the entire island to avoid the worst of the chop. It was a lifetime experience. We followed it up with a late lunch at the Cask & Schooner in Friday Harbor. Amazing poutine! We'll be back next time during peak season and try it in canoes!

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