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Најбоље посматрање китова орка је из луке Фридеј, на острву Сан Хуан, само лагана једнодневна авантура из центра Сијетла. Острва Сан Хуан се сматрају „драгуљем“ северозапада Пацифика, а налазе се у заливу Пјуџет.
Цити: Острва Сан Хуан
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $135.00
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Острво Сан Хуан
Острво Сан Хуан се сматра најбољим местом за посматрање китова орка јер лосос, који је њихов главни извор хране (око 95% онога што једу), путује горе-доле западном обалом острва Сан Хуан и околним подручјима. Крените у ову турнеју посматрања китова и погледајте китове орке који су виђени на преко 90% обилазака са могућношћу да уочите минке, грбаве и сиве китове да буду виши. Које је најбоље време да видите китове орке? Било када. Напољу су по цео дан. Гарантовано ћете видети морске сисаре и вратити се са успоменама за цео живот! Уживајте у лепоти острва Сан Хуан на ексклузивном крстарењу за посматрање китова из луке Фридеј. Запловите на брзу, нову 55 стопа МВ Сеа Лион (са прозором, грејаном кабином, која може да прими до 24 госта). 40 или мање гостију на овом удобном броду са шетњом око палубе.
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Коментара (660)
Joanna V
Oct 2013
My friend and I were in from Boston. This was my friend's first ever whale watch, while I had been on a couple east coast watches. What we really wanted to see were, obviously, killer whales and killer whales we saw! A small pod of Transient Orcas were hanging around while the Residents were out of town. It was great to see them, especially since three days before there hadn't been any Orcas. We also saw sea lions, harbor seals, Dall's porpoises and a distant humpback whale. I understand that these are wild animals and the crew can't promise anything, but they definitely met all of our expectations. The weather was perfect, the sea wasn't rocky (and I am seriously prone to seasickness...didn't feel it one bit!), the captain and crew were knowledgeable, friendly and accommodating...everything you could ask for. We lucked out and had ideal whale watching conditions. This was a small boat, holding probably 30 people. On shore the temperature was high 60s, low 70s, but when the boat is going you will want extra layers. I had a shirt, sweater, sweatshirt, windbreaker, thick jeans, thick socks, warm boots, a hat and a scarf and I was still a bit chilly (granted I stayed outside almost the entire time...there is a warm, indoor area but I was afraid of missing something). Bring gloves...I didn't and should have. If you can get a telephoto lens for your fancy camera, bring it. The boats are required by law to stay a certain distance from the animals (which is a good thing...gotta keep them happy, safe and healthy) so the photos you get will be much better with a telephoto lens. I will invest in one for next time. They don't sell any food or water on board, so bring your own. You'll be happy you did. You don't realize how hungry you are until the boat ride back to the harbor. If you forget binoculars, they have some on board to use, along with some great reading material about the animals of the Salish Sea. I would do this whale watch again in a heartbeat. Maybe next summer! I'll cross my fingers for Resident Orcas this time.
Amy F
Oct 2013
If your looking for a great whale watching trip you have found it! We had so much fun! This was a dream of mine for a long time to go and see Orcas. We found them! The crew and naturalist on board were amazing! So knowledgeable about Orcas. The naturalist was very informative and very engaging and enthusiastic. She definitely enjoys what she does. (But who wouldn't) We saw some amazing things. The orcas seemed to be performing for us, Jumping, Breaching, Tail slaps, head stands, porpoising out of the water.We also saw lots of Harbor Seals, Cormorants and a few Bald Eagles too. The Landscapes are just beautiful too!!! It was an amazing day. A week later and I'm still looking at my pictures wishing I was there again. If I ever have the chance again I WILL DEFINITELY BOOK ANOTHER TRIP WITH THEM!!!!!!! WELL WORTH THE MONEY!!!!
Oct 2013
Great trip with loads of orcas from two of the three resident pods, along with seals, sea-lions, porpoises, a bald eagle and loads of other sea-birds. As with most of these things, though, it’s the crew that make the difference and naturalists Heather and Andrew and Capt. Mike were great. From spotting all the wildlife, to getting us in the right position to see it, to telling us so much about all the things we saw, not just the whales, they made the trip. So much so, that even without the whales it still would have been a good trip. There’s a huge variety of whale-watch trips to choose from and I would recommend San Juan Safaris anytime. The wildlife isn’t guaranteed, so might as well go with the thing that is guaranteed, which is an extremely knowledgeable, informative and enthusiastic crew. There’s a lot of opinions on here about whether big or small boats are better; this was a big, full, boat but there was plenty room and everyone could get a good view. All the boats are meant to keep the same distance from the whales anyway so no-one should have a real advantage there either and I don’t think any other boats passed us either, so speed didn’t seem to an issue .

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