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Посматрање китова из луке Фридаи

Најбоље посматрање китова орка је из луке Фридеј, на острву Сан Хуан, само лагана једнодневна авантура из центра Сијетла. Острва Сан Хуан се сматрају „драгуљем“ северозапада Пацифика, а налазе се у заливу Пјуџет.
Цити: Острва Сан Хуан
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $135.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $135.00
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су кућне животиње<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>За максималну безбедност деца млађа од 2 године треба да буду у носач појаса везан за родитеља и останак у кабини<ли>"Специјални ограничени" обилазак се не препоручује за децу од 13 година и млађе.<ли>Тоалети су доступни на броду.<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Спроведено социјално дистанцирање током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћени боравак -политика код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>50% капацитета на пловилима
Шта да очекујете
Острво Сан Хуан
Острво Сан Хуан се сматра најбољим местом за посматрање китова орка јер лосос, који је њихов главни извор хране (око 95% онога што једу), путује горе-доле западном обалом острва Сан Хуан и околним подручјима. Крените у ову турнеју посматрања китова и погледајте китове орке који су виђени на преко 90% обилазака са могућношћу да уочите минке, грбаве и сиве китове да буду виши. Које је најбоље време да видите китове орке? Било када. Напољу су по цео дан. Гарантовано ћете видети морске сисаре и вратити се са успоменама за цео живот! Уживајте у лепоти острва Сан Хуан на ексклузивном крстарењу за посматрање китова из луке Фридеј. Запловите на брзу, нову 55 стопа МВ Сеа Лион (са прозором, грејаном кабином, која може да прими до 24 госта). 40 или мање гостију на овом удобном броду са шетњом око палубе.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (660)
Jul 2013
Sunset whale watching trip - Untouched nature and all its beauty. We saw many whales, bald eagles, harbor seals, and a gorgeous sunset. Even the sprinkle of rain was refreshing. Our boys have see all of these animals in a zoo, but it is a very different experience to see them in the wild. You feel very small out there with these magnificent animals all around you. Now youre on their turf. Fabulous experience. Our naturalist was very informative and very helpful locating the wildlife. She worked well with the Captain who did everything to ensure that we saw as much as possible. If we needed they had blankets, rain gear, and binoculars on board. We had no complaints. I just want to point out a few things that some of the people on the boat didn't seem to understand. Wildlife is unpredictable. One minute its there the next its gone. Whales don't surface and wait for you to take a picture. Also, seeing a whale "breech" - where it jumps almost all the way out of the water then goes crashing back down- is a rare thing to see. It may appear on the front of many whale watching tour brochures, but you probably won't see anything so dramatic. If you do, consider yourself very fortunate.
Jul 2013
The outing was fun, but we did not see whales. The guide actually told us that the whales have moved up north more making it harder to find them. We did see a few porpoises in the distance, as well as bald eagles, seals, and deer on some of the islands. Take more jackets than you think you'll need, as even in the summer the ride is quite cold. There is a small inside area, though with some seating space. Also, pack your own binoculars. Ours was a small group and even so, there were not enough binoculars to go around. My group of three shared one pair. If you sit on the front of the boat, hold on tightly, and plan on getting wet, as the captain will most likely get you wet when he "accidentally" hits some waves too fast at one point on the trip. At the end of our trip, we were told that even though we didn't get to see any whales, we did get a "white water" ride. Given what we did/didn't see, my group thought the trip was a bit long - a little over three hours.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2013
Hi Linda! Thank you for taking the time to review your tour with us! We loved having you out on the water. We are very sorry to hear that your tour did not exceed your expectations. We do encounter whales (killer whales, minke, humpbacks, etc) on 9 out of 10 tours. However, we can never guarantee wild animal sightings. Our tours are 3 to 3 ½ hours long, and you get to enjoy your tour on the newest vessel in the San Juan Islands with indoor cabin seating for 20-25 guests. As with all companies in the San Juans, you can expect to get some sea spray onto the vessel. It’s part of the excitement of being on the water! We will look into purchasing additional binoculars for our guests. Please be sure to ask us for an extra pair of binoculars, blankets, rain coats, or rain slickers. We have extra on board for our guests because we definitely understand that our climate is cooler (highs only in the mid 70s & cooler on the water) than most expect, especially for guests coming from Texas! We sincerely appreciate feedback from our guests and encourage you to contact us directly to go over your tour experience. It helps us learn how we can better accommodate our guests. As a small, local business we value each person who takes our tours. We are committed to providing the highest quality experience for all of our guests. Sincerely, Brian Goodremont Owner I Operator I Captain San Juan Safaris 800.450.6858
Susie B
Jul 2013
We booked our Whale Watching tour with San Juan Safaris prior to our recent trip to the Pacific NW. We spent two days and nights in Friday Harbor and our Whale Watching tour was the highlight of our stay. The staff was friendly and informative and the Captain was awesome. He stayed as close to the whales as he legally could and followed them forever. We got LOTS of good shots of the whales and really enjoyed the majestic scenery in the area. We felt we certainly got our money's worth on the tour.

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