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Најбоље посматрање китова орка је из луке Фридеј, на острву Сан Хуан, само лагана једнодневна авантура из центра Сијетла. Острва Сан Хуан се сматрају „драгуљем“ северозапада Пацифика, а налазе се у заливу Пјуџет.
Цити: Острва Сан Хуан
Sun 27 Oct
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Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $135.00
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су кућне животиње<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>За максималну безбедност деца млађа од 2 године треба да буду у носач појаса везан за родитеља и останак у кабини<ли>"Специјални ограничени" обилазак се не препоручује за децу од 13 година и млађе.<ли>Тоалети су доступни на броду.<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Спроведено социјално дистанцирање током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћени боравак -политика код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>50% капацитета на пловилима
Шта да очекујете
Острво Сан Хуан
Острво Сан Хуан се сматра најбољим местом за посматрање китова орка јер лосос, који је њихов главни извор хране (око 95% онога што једу), путује горе-доле западном обалом острва Сан Хуан и околним подручјима. Крените у ову турнеју посматрања китова и погледајте китове орке који су виђени на преко 90% обилазака са могућношћу да уочите минке, грбаве и сиве китове да буду виши. Које је најбоље време да видите китове орке? Било када. Напољу су по цео дан. Гарантовано ћете видети морске сисаре и вратити се са успоменама за цео живот! Уживајте у лепоти острва Сан Хуан на ексклузивном крстарењу за посматрање китова из луке Фридеј. Запловите на брзу, нову 55 стопа МВ Сеа Лион (са прозором, грејаном кабином, која може да прими до 24 госта). 40 или мање гостију на овом удобном броду са шетњом око палубе.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (660)
Aug 2018
My wife and I are huge nature lovers, so I'll start there, but even given that, it is hard to put into words how incredible it is to get up close to the Orcas in the San Juan Islands. We did the 10 am tour on the boat and loved every minute of it. The exposure suits (included for free) kept us warm the entire time, even my wife who is always freezing. We started the tour with an overview of the region, the ecology, the different life forms that live there and some history on human's impact on the region as well. We then sped off to see some seals and sea lions lounging around. We learned more about them and got super close which was awesome to see, even for a Californian (me) that sees them all the time. From there we took off for about a 10 minute cruise and after only a couple minutes, I could see about a dozen boats on the horizon that were obviously not fishing boats, so I started to get excited that we were going to see the Orcas. Well, they were there and we spent the next hour and a half anywhere from 50 to 500 yards away from about 15 orcas. They split up, they fished, they swam, the jumped and splashed and did normal whale stuff. We thought we might catch a fleeting glimpse of the whales on the horizon as they were cruising by or something like that. Our experience was way better than I could have ever hoped for. That said, the whales are wild and don't always cooperate, I'm sure. But when they do, it's pretty amazing. On a personal note, our naturalist and captain were super friendly, informative and overall really nice people. They let everyone crawl all over the boat to get photos and walk all to one side. The boat is more than big enough for the number of people they allow so it feels super stable the whole time. I get sea sick pretty often and had zero issues that day without taking any medication either. Highly recommend San Juan Safaris!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Wow! Thank you for your kind words. We work very hard to provide the highest quality whale & wildlife viewing experience in the San Juan Islands. Thank you for letting us know we succeeded! Glad we were able to create a memorable tour for you and your wife. Please be sure to come visit us again the next time your find yourself in the San Juans! Sincerely, Brian Goodremont Owner & Captain San Juan Safaris
Trisha F
Aug 2018
Wow! This was awesome. My mom and I booked about 10 days in advance and got the last two seats on the Saturday afternoon booking on Sea Lion. Weather was great - bring a jacket but they also have blankets onboard. Guides were friendly, kind and really really knowledgable. Captain did a great job navigating the boat so we could get awesome photos of Rocky and Tumbo! Transient orca whales! So cool!!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Hello Trisha! So happy to hear you enjoyed your trip out with us! We pride ourselves on having skilled captains and enthusiastic naturalists and crew that are just what you said- kind, friendly and knowledgeable! So glad you got to spend time on the water with those Transient orcas; Rocky and Tumbo are some of our favorites to see! Thanks for your kind review, Brian Captain & Owner San Juan Safaris
Shelby L
Aug 2018
This was our first time in Washington and going whale watching. Ashley called me in the morning to let us know that the ferry could run a little late and to try & catch the earlier one. Unfortunately we were far away but I called when we were getting off the ferry and they were very nice & patient. This entire trip was so wonderful. The boat ride itself was very nice, especially if you have never visited the islands or the pacific. We saw orcas, sea lions, seals, and bald eagles. This experience was one we will never forget! Thank you San Juan Safaris! Very wonderful captain and naturalists on board.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Hello Shelby! Thank you so much for your kind words and review! Our staff and crew always aim to provide the best experience we can- and I am happy to hear that we fulfilled your expectations! The San Juan Islands is a truly special place, and we are so happy you were able to join us during your trip to Washington! Cheers, Brian Captain & Owner San Juan Safaris

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