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Рафтинг авантура на реци Меноминее

Доживите најузбудљивији рафтинг на средњем западу у овој 3-сатној авантури. Водиће вас професионални водич кроз воде реке Меномини. Уживајте у пејзажима на равним водама реке пре снимања кроз брзу клисуру Пирс. Овај породични излет је прикладан за различите узрасте и нивое вештина.
Цити: Горње полуострво
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $58.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $58.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Услуга превоза до и од реке
све порезе и накнаде за резервације
Сва потребна заштитна опрема, укључујући кацигу и прслук за спашавање
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима у трудноћи<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима; молимо да се обуците прикладно<ли>Не нуди се повраћај новца за госте који касне или се не појаве на путовању<ли>Минимална старост је 5 година. Гости морају имати најмање 12 година да би веслали у делу реке Пирс клисуре. Гости млађи од 12 година морају да гледају са обале са одраслом особом за тај део.<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Вилдман Адвентуре Ресорт ће се придржавати свих смерница државе Висконсин ради безбедности гостију.
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (53)
Jun 2015
My brother, his 13 yr old son and I went on June 6 2015 with Wildman for our annual guys trip. We did the Menominee river and ziplining the first day and the Pestigo the second. This was our second time going. The first time we went with Kosirs, but decided to go Wildman because of the ziplining. I was blown away at our experience. From the minute I called the staff was on it. We stayed at the rustic cabins on the Pestigo-amazing hearing the river all night and seeing rafters going down during the day. Our guide was James Edge and he was outstanding-approachable and safety conscious. We lost 3 out of our raft at Piers Gorge-but was a great experience. Prior to this my brother and I did the upper fall gauley several times and never fell out so you never know when a river will get you. I give Wildman highest rating possible-exceeded my expectations and I'm very picky. They let us do the zip lines a few times because they weren't busy-the raft guide even used my phone to take pics of us zip lining. Definitely will use them again.
Mar 2015
This was my second time visiting the Wildman Adventure Resort for snowmobiling and I could not have asked for a better experience. Last year it was a guys trip and Ken (one of the owners and our tour guide) was excellent. The booking process was effortlessly conducted by Tracy who is an absolute pleasure to work with, and surprisingly remembered me from the previous year. This past weekend we decided to make it a couples trip and we were delivered the same top notch service. We elected to rent a the Chalet to avoid making the long trip after the snowmobile and it was a bargain at $295/night for 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, working fireplace, LCD TV with DirecTV, full kitchen and a breathtaking view. This was the perfect way to relax after the tour through the Wisconsin wilderness. The tour this year was conducted by Sam (the other co-owner) and his son Mason. These guys were excellent as well and were very patient and helpful with our wives since they were first time riders. By the end of the tour my wife (who was the most nervous of the group) was riding like a pro. We will definitely be back next winter and are even considering coming back in the summer for a white water rafting trip.
Nikolina O
Sep 2014
We had a great time white water rafting. We did not really no what to expect since this was our first time white water rafting. The drive was a four hours but it was well worth it to us! We brought a disposable water camera which we took a few pictures and purchased the photos after we were done rafting by the professional. If we could have changed anything about our experience it would probably been to bring a go pro camera and to bring a larger group so that we could have experienced this with friends instead of strangers. As far as safety goes you could tell that this group Wildman Adventure took safety seriously which was very important considering we were on a class 4 rapid. It is important that you do listen to your guide. Im glad that my first experience white water rafting was with the Wildman Adventure group. We had a great time and I would recommend the experience to others.

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