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Вхитнеи Плантатион и Манцхац Свамп Тоур Цомбо

Богато културно и еколошко искуство Луизијане!<бр><бр>Турнеја кајаком по мочвари, храна Цајун, искуство обиласка плантажа:<бр> • Превоз до и од Њу Орлеанса<бр> • Средње весло кроз мочвару Манчак<бр> • Савршено за групе које траже сјајан провод<бр> • Научите историју и важност овог јединственог екосистема<бр> • Веслајте поред шумарака Чемпреса и Тупела<бр> • Свратите у Б&Ц Сеафоод ресторан за цајунску кухињу (опција за куповину хране)<бр> • Обилазак прелепе плантаже Витни са водичем<бр> • Посетите музеј, баптистичку цркву и продавницу поклона<бр> • Фотографишите коридор Ливе Оак који води до „Велике куће“
Цити: Њу Орлеанс
Sun 02 Mar
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Са почетком у $199.00
Sun 02 Mar
Са почетком у $199.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције
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Коментара (23)
Nov 2022
This was a great tour. The guide, Alex, was wonderful. Easy check in and comfy van. The kayaking was in double kayaks which worked well for kids. The Whitney exhibits were informative and moving. Our pants and shoes got plenty of dribbles from the paddle so I do recommend bringing dry clothes to change into at lunch just for comfort’s sake.
Nov 2022
If you like paddling and want to slow down and appreciate the rhythms of the bayou, this kayak swamp tour will be a perfect fit. Manchac was eerily beautiful in November and we had the great fortune of seeing two alligators, turtles, an owl, an assortment of other birds and even a snake. Our guide Nick was wonderful! He was extremely knowledgeable about the swamp’s many creatures as well as the environment itself, and he contributed greatly to our appreciation of the area. The Whitney Plantation tour was excellent. It was an audio guide given from the slaves’ perspective. It included some firsthand accounts from those who had been children on the plantation. Very sobering and important tour. My husband and I came away with a deeper understanding of the horrific conditions endured by slaves.
Jun 2022
If you only have time for one plantation, this is the one you'll want to visit. Whitney plantation doesn't glorify the slave masters, instead it gives you an experience from the enslaved person's perspective. The audio tour is really well done, so be sure to do that and take the time to reflect on the magnitude as you read all of the names and listen to 1st-person accounts. It takes about an hour and 30 minutes for the entire visit.

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