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Вилд Флорида Дриве-Тхру Сафари и Гатор Парк Улаз

Возите сопствени аутомобил кроз наш Сафари парк! Ова самостална тура омогућава гостима да виде више од 150 егзотичних животиња и аутохтоних дивљих животиња Флориде као што су белорепи јелени, бизони, гну, зебре, ватуси и орикс, да споменемо само неке. Вежите се за своју најлуђу вожњу аутомобилом до сада! Путујте шљунчаним стазама унутар нашег Дриве-тхру Сафари парка и откријте више од 100 аутохтоних и егзотичних животиња које слободно лутају. Током свог путовања, имаћете прилику да посматрате разне животиње које се често налазе само широм света. Уживајте у идентификацији врста од чак афричке саване до других из листопадних шума Северне Америке, све из удобности сопственог аутомобила.
Цити: Орландо
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $33.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $33.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (274)
Aug 2022
Captain Lauren was excellent on the air-boat ride and the gator park was a lovely addition to the day. The food and especially the ice-cream were excellent. The lady in the gift shop was very welcoming and the display was the best we have seen in a gift shop, so you guys should be very proud. Well done Wild Florida - a great experience at an excellent price. Thank you from the family for a great day out.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you for your awesome review! We'll be sure to pass along your kind words. We're so happy to hear you had a great time!
Aug 2022
We came across Wild Florida while planning our recent trip to Orlando. We wanted a different type of experience to the typical theme park days. Wild Florida certainly managed to provide. My husband, daughter (aged 13) and I rate our visit as one of the highlights of our holiday. The staff team were all very efficient but friendly. All pre paid activities were well planned by the team and the instuctions for where to be and when were very clear. We started our visit with an hour long air boat ride. This was exhilarating. Although we didn't see many alligators, too hot for them, our tour captain made up for this with her expert knowledge of the area and the flora and fauna we did see. We followed this up with a sloth experience. We got to spend some time, up close with Anna and Guy, a couple of two-toed sloths. Again our guide was very knowledgeable and set out very clear boundaries for what we could and couldn't do. We spent the rest of the time exploring the rest of the park and the swamp walk. Every member of the team we encountered clearly loved their work and cared deeply about the animals. We chose to not do the drive through safari park, we were in a hire car and unsure of the insurance aspects should anything happen, but I expect the same care and attention would have been evident there as well. We spent a good 3 to 4 hours at Wild Florida, a brewing storm meant we cut our visit a little short. Our visit provided everything and more that we wanted it to. Our airboat trip rates as one of the highlights in a holiday filled with Disney magic. We wiuld definitely recommend and will almost certainly return in future holidays to Florida.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you for sharing your awesome experience with us! We hope to see you again soon!
Aug 2022
Very nice trip, loved the boat tour, but not many Gators too see. We did also not see the Panter and big cat, the gator show was also unable.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you for sharing your review with us, annej562! Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any comments or concerns. Thank you!

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