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Вилд Флорида Дриве-Тхру Сафари и Гатор Парк Улаз

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Цити: Орландо
Sun 22 Sep
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Са почетком у $33.00
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $33.00
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Коментара (274)
Jul 2020
It was my first time visiting Wild Florida and I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the experience. The drive thru safari was amazing and we loved feeding the giraffes. The Gator Park was also very nice with a lot of different animals other than gators. The only reason I'm not giving a 5 rating is because I was a little disappointed the park did not strictly enforce mask wearing and social distancing. It was not crowded on the day I went to the Gator Park but it is not a large area and it can be difficult to maintain 6 feet away from people at times. Many people were unfortunately not wearing masks. I will definitely want to visit again when the weather is cooler and hopefully when the pandemic is more under control. I would definitly recommend visiting. It's a great value and cool experience. (George the giraffe is so cute!)
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2020
Thanks for the review X2598ARmarcos!
Jul 2020
I took two 10-year-old girls who loved this opportunity to get OUT OF THE HOUSE!. Honestly, I needed to get out too. To start I want to be honest and say that my expectations were quite low but I was thrilled (and so were the girls) with how lovely the safari was to visit. It reminded me of the Animal Kingdoms Safari ride but better because we were able to drive at our own speed and even stop briefly to take photos. The girls loved being the ones to discover the animals and to locate the animals on the worksheet that was given at the entrance. We did pay the extra money to feed the giraffes which were very polite. The staff did a great job of ensuring that everyone was socially distant while in line. Well worth the extra $5. Afterward we headed over to the gator park. We definitely enjoyed the foxes, lemurs, etc. The girls also got to feed the birds. Unfortunately, the birds were quite full and weren't that interested in the seed sticks the girls offered. That said they were still able to get up close to the birds which they enjoyed. There was also an opportunity offered to feed a gator and a separate one to hold a gator. It was about to rain so we skipped both these activities. And to be honest, I had mixed feelings about letting kids do them anyway. We then headed over to the petting zoo. I was surprised a bit but I think this was the highlight of the trip for them. The petting zoo had some kind and engaging animals. The goats were a delight. Heads up if you have small kids, the goats definitely were putting their feet up on the girls in their excitement to get their food cups. If I had kids under 6 or so, I would probably hold the food cups for them to keep the goats on their best behavior. My daughter was enamored by the tiny cow-like creatures that were in the enclosure. They came up to about my waist and were so sweet. They both followed her around for some extra petting. Now here comes the big bombshell. The petting zoo also has an enormous tortoise. It was so big in fact that the goats were catching a ride on its back. The girls gave the tortoise plenty of head pets. What's that saying from Facebook: I was this many years old when I discovered that... My daughter was 10 when she discovered that tortoises like to be pet and love playing around with kids.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2020
Thank you so much for the amazing review llong22! We are so happy to hear that you all enjoyed your time here with us at Wild Florida and look forward to your next visit!
Jul 2020
Our family was looking for a local Florida wildlife experience and this was perfect. Two of our party members are teachers, and we took advantage of the 15% off which was great. We went through the safari ride multiple times, each time was a different experience. We loved being able to go and stop at our discretion. We even watched the crocodiles being fed! We also enjoyed the giraffe feeding at the end. Even if you don’t want to feed the giraffes, it’s a great way to see them up close and personal. Highly recommend to all!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2020
Thank you for the kind review 377hollyp! Come see us again soon!

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