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Вилд Флорида Дриве-Тхру Сафари и Гатор Парк Улаз

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Цити: Орландо
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $33.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $33.00
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Коментара (274)
Jun 2020
amazing and also boat tour amazing everything is amazing and we enjoyed it very clean through we did the whole package with zoo and safaria d boat
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Thank you for the review samsN8523ML!
Haley H
Jun 2020
*Warning - they do not require masks at the alligator park and do not enforce social distancing.* The drive-thru safari was something we decided to do because it seemed like a safe social distancing option with 2 little kids. It was just ok - it takes about an hour (5 mph speed limit) and it's mostly different kinds of deer, birds, etc. At the end they have a few zebra and some giraffe. We didn't get out to 'feed' the giraffe - there were way too many people on the platform and no social distancing whatsoever. Included in the price of the drive thru safari is the alligator park right down the road. It was a nice little park with lots of trees etc. But - they do not require people to wear masks and even the some of the staff were not wearing them. The paths to walk through are narrow (it's like a small zoo) so social distancing was hard to do. They had hand sanitizer stations and signs to social distance but 1) only 5% of people were actually wearing masks and 2) the staff was not reminding people to social distance so it's definitely not the place for people who want a safer place to go. It was actually more dangerous because no one was wearing masks and it's very hard to social distance. There weren't one way paths or anything to aid in keeping people safe. Overall, I was disappointed in the lack of protocols to keep people safe. The drive-thru safari was ok but for the price, it wasn't worth it. I definitely won't be going back to the alligator park and would not recommend people who want to stay socially distanced to go either. It was also sold out for the day and there were tons of people there so I'm not sure how much they cut capacity (if at all). They obviously do not care about keeping people safe. This might be a fun thing to do when the treat of COVID-19 passes but don't mistake this for a safer option over a place where they require masks and actually have one-way paths.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Hi Haley H, Really sorry to read this and to hear of your negative experience. We will be investigating this further and trying harder to enforce the mandatory mask rule. We’ve noticed some guests taking their masks off in the gator park due to the misconception that you don’t need it when outside in open air. We’ll try harder and hope you give us another chance.
Jun 2020
Absolutely, loved this tour. Had a great time. We were 3 elderly ladies. We were bored because of the virus lock down. Was 2nd in line. Opens at 9:00. Were behind a car with a small boy. We enjoyed his squeals of delight as much as seeing the animals. The innocence of a child was so refreshing. SO MUCH FUN. No danger to your car from the animals, they came close, but never enter your windows. We were impressed with the wide range of animals. They even had a Jacobs sheep. I’d never seen one in my life. It was really impressive. Entire park was clean. I mean ENTIRE PARK. Even the caged park. Only area where I could smell anything was the one cat cage. Every other cage was immaculate. Bathrooms were mainly Porta potties. But clean. 2 huge gift shops. I do wish they had better giraffe souvenirs. Adult giraffe figurines & small stuffed giraffes. A lot of alligator items. Maybe because of the airboat rides. We didn’t do that. Only disappointment was the food for the giraffes. Cost is $5 for 3 leaves of lettuce. Lol. AND, the giraffes won’t come to you, unless you have the lettuce. So, buy the lettuce, have the lettuce in your hand, & have someone take your picture fast. That tongue comes out & gets it quick. It’s a blast. You can spend $20 right there. Come again? OH YES! Already planning it. I’m bringing my great granddaughters.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Thank you so much for the kind review touringbee! We look forward to your next visit!

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