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Цити: Цоцоа Беацх
Tue 11 Mar
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Tue 11 Mar
Са почетком у $50.00
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Коментара (10)
Jun 2022
What an amazing experience on our 9am Manatee tour launching out of Haul Over Canal (Titusville) - the manatees were SURROUNDING US!!! Some were a little aggressive as there was some mating going on. We made sure to give them some safe distance! 😉 The baby manatees pushed along my boyfriend's kayak and got their faces right up to him. I also was rocked/bumped by a manatee mid jump - pretty cool (and a little startling as you don't see them until it happens!!!!). I wish I could share video on this site as I didn't take any still pictures because it was SO COOL and had to capture everything on video!!! Megan and Jenny were our amazing guides and were so professional, gentle, knowledgable, and patient with everyone in our tour. In fact, one of the small boys from the other group actually fell in the water near the mating manatees and they calmly reassured him and got over to him very quickly to help him back on his paddle board. I highly recommend this tour - it was pretty life changing to see these magnificent creatures so close and in their own environment.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Aloha! Thank you for leaving such a detailed review of your time with the manatees. We love hearing how awesome our guides are(though we already know), especially under pressure as that’s when it matters the most. Jenny and Megan are certainly the best, and we appreciate them so much. And the manatees have been epic this year, though I wouldn’t describe them as aggressive, just wrapped up in their mating game, and definitely very curious!
Randy N
May 2022
We visited the coast looking for things to do. Big win with this choice! Our guide was Nate. He was awesome, very knowledgeable and helpful. Would gladly recommend this tour to anyone looking for some peaceful and interesting moments with nature!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Awesome!! Nathan says a BIG thank you!! Thank you for sharing your experience too from the Cocoa Kayaking team!! You guys are the best!! So glad that we were able to help create a positive experience that lasts! Have a blessed holiday and keep on paddling!! :)
May 2022
My Best friend and I visited cocoa Beach for a short time from Ohio. While on the beach we were contemplating something to do we called and were able to book the mangrove tunnel kayak tour. It was a beyond what we expected! I would especially like to highlight , James, Our tour guide! He was super fantastic and very educated and experienced. This was literally one of the best experiences we both had highly recommend! Also when we called we booked with Joy and she was incredibly personable and friendly and was able to get us in quickly this crew is amazing and so is the experience!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
This is absolutely amazing! Truly wonderful having your kind party out on the gorgeous waterways of Florida! So glad that the Cocoa Kayaking team was able to help create a positive experience that lasts! Have a blessed holiday and we hope to paddle with your party again soon!
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