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Вилдман Зип Лине Тоур

У овој турнеји са 5 линија зип лајн ћете прелазити зип поставу са једне платформе на другу. Ваш водич и до 8 гостију ће проћи кроз стазу дуж реке Меномини на овој двосатној тури која покрива 1900 стопа рајсфершлуса.
Цити: Горње полуострво
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $53.70
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $53.70
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Сва неопходна заштитна опрема укључујући кацигу, рукавице и појас за зип-лине за цело тело
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Учесници морају имати најмање 55 фунти да би безбедно возили зип лајнс.
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Коментара (6)
Oct 2018
Great experience started with my call to Wildman a few days before Columbus Day. My friends and I were seeking a zip line adventure to break up our road trip from Upper Peninsula to Illinois on Columbus Day. Wildman crew enthusiastly scheduled us and even allowed us to pick between two start times to best accommodate us. Wildman crew Nick and Mason took us through the zip line course. Their professionalism, kindness and awesome sense of humor made our experience most memorable. The overcast, rainy day felt so bright and fun thanks to Nick and Mason.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
We're glad to hear that you had a great time! Maybe next time you guys can stay for a few days. We'll get you out on the river or maybe the paintball field. Thanks again for coming!
Melissa Z
Aug 2018
The All-stars: The guides. The entire weekend would not have been what it was without the most incredible guides. As a group, we chose to do Zip-Line, Whitewater Rafting, and Kayaking. Because we had a larger group (11), we were split in half. My group started with Brandon and Kenny on the zip-line for too many laughs and a whole lotta fun. Then we requested Brandon and Dan to be our rafting guides after our zip-line and bar run-in with the two. I felt safe and fairly confident in my own ability to charge the rapids. After we didn't die on Day 1, we took a lovely guided, scenic kayak tour with Dan and young Drew. It was a nature-filled, very educational and serene kayak tour before we jumped off a giant boulder. If it's a requirement to be rad to work at Wildman, all of these guys fit the bill. Kind, knowledgeable, cautious, adventurous, and great sports, these guys are all-in when it comes to pleasing the customers and giving guidance for an unforgettable trip. Would I recommend Wildman Adventure Resort? HECK YEAH! I plan on going back myself.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Hello Melissa, Thanks for the review. We really did enjoy having you come and visit and the guides always enjoy people that are having a great time. It was easy for the staff to have a great time with you guys. We hope that you'll be back soon!
Aug 2018
WOW! Great staff - very knowledgeable and helpful. First time zip-lining for my husband and I, and absolutely LOVED it! Sedona and Nick were the BEST guides ever! Totally awesome adventure!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Thanks for the review. We hope to see you back soon!

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