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Цити: Виллиамсбург
Tue 22 Oct
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Са почетком у $75.93
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $75.93
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Коментара (184)
Jan 2017
If I'm being honest, our entire group was very underwhelmed with this experience. We've done 5+ food tours in multiple cities and found this one to be considerably lacking by comparison. Here is some of what drove our poor experience: - In the candy store and peanut store, it seemed like the businesses weren't expecting us. It was extremely crowded and we were basically told to stand around while we waited for some very bad candy. In the peanut store, I heard our guide asking if we our group could get a discount on a later purchase and was told no. - We didn't make it into whatever the "herb store" was supposed to be - In the first restaurant we went into, they asked if we would wait outside. It was 40 degrees and pretty windy. It's not unreasonable to expect a better experience considering we booked a food tour. The mac and cheese was fantastic here. - The pizza restaurant was pretty bad in our opinion. The pizza was subpar, but the portions were at minimum decent. - The night-club was great. The server did a small presentation and the food was great. - In the place where we had wings, I would guess that people averaged one wing per person. - In the final restaurant, there was no where near enough food to go around. Everyone got maybe one bite of each dish, maybe. I thought I heard the comment made multiple times by our guide that people were added onto the tour. This really showed in the quantity of food and some of the places we visited almost seemed annoyed at our presence. Considering the cost associated with this tour (which is average for a food tour), we expected a much more accommodating experience with more food to go around. To top it all off, they asked for feedback in email. I replied with the comments above and never heard back.
Nov 2016
Our small group showed up to meet the tour guide, Nicki, and two young ladies that she was training. It was a rainy, overcast day, so not many booked the tour. This was a great way to see and sample some of the highlighted entrees, sweets and desserts of several of the local eateries and shops. We visited nine separate establishments. My advice, do not eat before you take this tour, and make sure you sample as much as possible. Along with the great food, are the tidbits of interesting local history. Nicki and the trainees...sorry for my short memory on their names, were very friendly. Another suggestion, book this tour early in your visit so that you can go back later! This is a walking tour, but it is not a great distance between each stop.
Oct 2016
Awesome tour!👍🏾. The best tour guide to date(Ms Chaney) from New York our historian! She did right by us, she started with the dessert 🍨 then we went to our main course our last restaurant was the best spot out of all of them. Cannot seem to remember but the fried Brussel sprout and seasoned French fries 🍟 were awesome, had the chocolate martini also great. Shootout to Julie and Ken from Minnesota they were awesome 👏🏽. Take the tour!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2016
Happy birthday! and thank you for your find review! Cheyney is an excellent guide and we are so excited to have her with us! Hopefully you have found a few local hot spots you'd like to visit again and again. If you find the time we would love for you to share your experience on Google reviews or Facebook.

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