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Резервишите директно уз Тасте оф Виллиамсбург на мрежи и уштедите 7 УСД по особи.<бр>Истражите Вилијамсбург и његову растућу сцену хране. На овом ћете доживети разноврсну храну и културу Вилијамсбурга. Посетићете неколико ресторана и ресторана током 3-сатног поподневног пешачења. Током обиласка посетићете три до четири ресторана и три до четири ресторана као што су продавница кикирикија, продавнице слаткиша, продавнице зачина и чаја у којима ћете имати чоколаде, пицу на дрва, гурмански колач и сир, фуџ, награђивана крилца , и више.<бр><бр>
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Tue 22 Oct
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Са почетком у $75.93
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $75.93
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Коментара (184)
Jul 2016
this is not really a tasting tour don't think of it as a wine tasting tour. I read about this tour when I was researching what to do in Williamsburg other that Colonial sites walking tours. This is a walking tour that lasts about 2 hrs. and in my case (want solo) the visit was to 8 places. The first one was a candy store which I thought was weird to start with dessert but it was right next from the starting point so, oh well. It only went downhill from there. I paid $47.50 for the tour and since it started a t 1:45 I figured I would skip lunch another couple of people in the tour did too. We got a baggie with a couple of sweets from the store and a coupon to use in the store. Next was the 'Peanut Store', same scenario but no baggie. I must mention that I had read these reviews here and figured I'd give the benefit of the doubt to the tour. But right after getting a discount card in 2 places, this is more a marketing scheme. We made 4 more stops and the taste of Virginia cuisine was nowhere to be seen. We had pizza in one place and a pc. Of a sandwich in another. The great highlight was Macaroni, specially good when you are starving, one plate for 4. Keep reading because I quit on previous reviews and got stuck. We moved to the William and Mary university area which was nice because I would probably wouldn't have walked that way but it was extremely noticeable and wethis is not really a tasting tour don't think of it as a wine tasting tour. I read about this tour when I was researching what to do in Williamsburg other that Colonial sites walking tours. This is a walking tour that lasts about 2 hrs. and in my case (went solo) the visit was to 8 places. The first one was a candy store which I thought was weird to start with dessert but it was right next from the starting point so, oh well. d these reviews here and figured I'd give the benefit of the doubt to the tour. We made 4 more stops and the taste of Virginia cuisine was nowhere to be seen. We had pizza in one place and a pc. Of a sandwich in another. The great highlight was Macaroni, specially good when you are starving, one plate for 4. Keep reading because I quit on previous reviews and got stuck. We moved to the William and Mary university area which was nice because I would probably wouldn't have walked that way but it was extremely noticeable the ads in these places about the $1 beer and mentioned it was for ('starving') students? We hit 3 places, wings, sandwich and pizza. If this is what Virginia's cuisine is about ....to add insult to injury the 8th place was closed when we got there, so we got, an apology. Incredibly awful and disappointing.
Jun 2016
Such as shame! The food sites on the tour were terrific. But our tour was not. Isabelle arrived late -- please don't ask me to arrive 15 minutes early and then the guide arrives at 2:05 Didn't seem like the shop owners were really on board with the idea - most didn't have anything prepared for us - candy shop did as did the talon, hound and pizza places Shop owners didn't seem to have any rapport with guide -- it often seemed like she was having to explain who she was Wasn't considerate of the needs of the group when walking to sites (too fast, didn't wait to cross the streets together) Didn't tell us anything about any of the stops - and this is a BIGGIE! It's why I take a tour - I'd already been into the candy shop, peanut shop, spice shop and ice cream shops. I want to know about the history of them when I go on a tour. Wasn't knowledgeable about local area - and she told us she was a native..but didn't mention any of the history of the area (in relation to food or buildings we passed or went to) Was't knowledgeable about local foods or what we were being served Limited vocabulary to describe food Sampled foods with us (made us feel like we needed to share with her) Walked to sites with no conversations about where we were going or why Didn't share a list of sites visited or recipes No coupons for future visits to the sites No way to contact tour operators personally and your phone message is of poor quality
James K
Jun 2016
This was a gift from my daughter - over $100. Scheduling is a nightmare. After 2 rescheduled dates, they want to charge me $35 fee. They called me initially to reschedule due to possible rain. I called them next time to reschedule and now they want to charge me. Poor email response. No phone contact. Don't waste your money. Too many other reputable tours in Williamsburg. Time to put them out of business.

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