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Резервишите директно уз Тасте оф Виллиамсбург на мрежи и уштедите 7 УСД по особи.<бр>Истражите Вилијамсбург и његову растућу сцену хране. На овом ћете доживети разноврсну храну и културу Вилијамсбурга. Посетићете неколико ресторана и ресторана током 3-сатног поподневног пешачења. Током обиласка посетићете три до четири ресторана и три до четири ресторана као што су продавница кикирикија, продавнице слаткиша, продавнице зачина и чаја у којима ћете имати чоколаде, пицу на дрва, гурмански колач и сир, фуџ, награђивана крилца , и више.<бр><бр>
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Tue 22 Oct
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Са почетком у $75.93
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $75.93
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Коментара (184)
May 2015
We would like to start by saying our tour guide Michael was WONDERFUL. He went above and beyond the time that we paid for. He is the ONLY reason this got three stars. Touring with Michael felt like walking with a knowledgable friend. As for the tour company- our group's opinion is that they charge Entirely too much money for this tour. There were only 3 actual restaurants. The rest were taking us through shops that had free samples for the general public. Restaurants were not properly prepared for our small group, or even seem to know about the food tour. for our group of four people, we figured out the food would have cost around $60 total. When our tickets were $56 a person, Its an understatement to say it's over priced. The only saving grace, was Michael made a detour and showed us parts of the campus that wasn't included in the tour. If it wasn't for Michael, we'd be asking for a refund. Do yourself a favor, take a professional tour (maybe Michael works for other companies) and on your own- stop at the College deli and have "the Holly". Skip this company. Its a rip off.
Chuck T
Apr 2015
Before writing this review, I went back to the Taste of Williamsburg Food tour website to make sure that I had not misread anything. They offer a choice of 2 different tours, one on Merchants Square and one of The College of William and Mary. We specifically chose the Tour of W&M and were looking forward to learning some of the history as is advertised. When the very nice, very polite young lady doing our tour arrived, she said there wasn't a tour of the College, just the Merchants Square. My receipt specifically said on it "William and Mary Food Tour" This was very disappointing to us since we had already spent time in and.around Merchants Square and were hoping to learn something about W&M. Once we got over that disappointment we thought that's OK we will learn something about Merchants Square instead. Well this very nice, very polite young lady did not have any knowledge of the area whatsoever and didn't have any historical facts to share. She mentioned she was pretty new and I don't fault her at all. Management needs to do a better job of training the guides or they need to change the website to say "we will show you where the food is and you can eat it" because that is exactly what she did. We had plenty to eat, but I would definitely not describe this as a tour for Foodies. Hands down the best macaroni and cheese we had ever eaten, but there was nothing else remarkable about the rest of the offerings. My friends and I each read through quite a few reviews before booking the tour and despite the wide range of reviews we thought it was a risk worth taking, primarily because we thought we would be getting a walking tour of the campus. My advise is to go eat at the Blue Talon, order the mac and cheese and skip the tour.
Jennifer R
Mar 2015
Had an amazing time touring William and Mary University and all the stops we made to taste some of Williamsburg's great local eateries! Our tour guide Lance was awesome!! Lance knows his history of the University and where to find some delicious dishes with history too!! Such a great day and definitely a tour to do while in Williamsburg!!! Thank you for a great experience!! Well worth the price!!

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