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Цити: Виллиамсбург
Mon 21 Oct
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Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $75.93
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Коментара (184)
Aug 2013
We came to Williamsburg for a wedding and arranged a tour through Lance. I try to take a food tour in every new city I visit. It is a great way to find out about the town/city and get some great food, We took the William and Mary tour. We loved the tour of the campus and hearing the history behind it. I would take their other tours in a hot minute. We all loved it.
Angela W
Jul 2013
My Taste of Williamsburg experience started out very positively, as I left an email late at night asking to see if I could take a tour the next afternoon, though there were no available tours according to the online calendar. I got a call a half an hour later, and Lance, the owner, went out of his way to make sure there was a tour guide who could give my family a tour, since we were very tight on time. This, I think, shows that the company truly cares about the customer! As for the tour itself, we took the William and Mary Food tour and certainly got our money's worth in foodstuffs. I thought there was a good variety of foods available, although the structure of our tour was a bit uneven (there was a long stretch in the middle where we were touring through a lot of sites and not eating); also, our tour guide went over-time with the college section. He was however a very friendly and knowledgeable guide, making the experience comfortable and relaxed. Next time I would take the tour that combines W & M with Historical Williamsburg; this one would be well-suited for a prospective student or someone very interested in the school. All the same, I had a great experience - the Hot Holly reminded me of my school's famous & decadent hoagies, the mac & cheese was everything I had hoped for, and the froyo was a great and refreshing way to end our tour. Thanks so much Taste of Williamsburg!
Joe M
Jun 2013
Tour was led by Lance who took the time to do the tour even though my wife and I were the only ones that booked this particular time slot. We have lived locally for 3 years now and were unaware of this great tour. It was a Christmas gift from our kids. Of the 7 places he took us on the tour we had only been to 2 previously. So, we thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to the other 5 establishments. We plan on returning to all 7 in the future. What impressed me about Lance was that he took his time, explained the history behind some of the foods, and made sure we stayed hydrated during the 3 and a half hour tour. This seems to be a well kept secret and really shouldn't be. My wife and I have been introduced to some great new places to eat and know much more about the College of William & Mary. I highly recommend this tour.

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