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Цити: Виллиамсбург
Mon 21 Oct
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Са почетком у $75.93
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $75.93
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Коментара (184)
Eric O
Jan 2013
My wife and I had a fun time walking around with 4 other couples on a sunny January day with our very nice tour guide. He took us to several stores and taught us a lot about the area and the food. We had a ball and would highly recommend this tour to others. Try to go in the winter or spring when Williamsburg is slow with visitors. John our guide was fun and very outgoing.
ourdakota O
Jan 2013
My husband and I really enjoyed the tour. Our tour guide, John, was wonderful. He was personable, entertaining and knowledgeable. We enjoyed the other couples on the tour and the food was excellent.
Jan 2013
We bought this through Groupon and I was disappointed. In our opinion, calling this a "food tour" is being generous. It started with booking and a mysterious $5 per person "tax". Hmm. It seemed fishy to me, but I didn't want my Groupon to go to waste, so I booked anyway. We started at a candy store. Each of us was given a small bag with 3-4 pieces of candy. The candy ended up being all prepackaged that I could have gotten at the grocery store (my husband's had a pack of Juicy Fruit...) From there, we went to a peanut shoppe, with the only samples being open to everyone in the shop, not only those on an overpriced food tour. Next was a tea and spice shop - no food to taste here. Retro's for fried pickles next. We're not fans of fried pickles, so passed ours on to another couple on the tour (the tour was advertised to have frozen yogurt at this stop.) We then went to the Blue Talon and were told they couldn't accommodate us for at least an hour. Our tour guide then took us on the tour of the William and Mary campus. Our tour guide was nice, but didn't seem that confident with what they were presenting us. You could tell they were more into the tour of the campus than the rest. It took me back to being in college and bragging about my school. We left campus and headed to College Delly and hot holly sandwiches. Okay, but nothing to write home about. Lastly was Blue Talon with the gourmet macaroni and cheese. This was more of what we were expecting and what we enjoyed the most. The macaroni and cheese was delicious, but definitely not worth the rest of the tour. I feel like the tour is disorganized and misleading. Taking your tour to stores that sell food doesn't constitute a food tour. The establishments should be expecting the tours when they arrive and they should arrive at a pre-scheduled time. The weather was nice though and we enjoyed walking around outside. But this wasn't worth the cost of the Groupon and definitely not worth the full price. Also, I really think this is one of those companies born of Groupon and Living Social and wouldn't exist without them. Save your money and go to each place individually.

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