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Цити: Виллиамсбург
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
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Коментара (184)
Sep 2012
My friend just moved into the area and started culinary school so I thought it would be fun for us to try this tour as I've never done it myself. We took the William and Mary Food tour and had a wonderful time. We were late because we ran into unexpected traffic but just got there in time to meet the group and have ribs at Seasons Restaurant and Tavern. The ribs were delish so I'm glad we didn't miss that! Our group, which was just six of us and our tour guide were seated in this quaint private room so we got the chance to get to know each other and it was just such a laid back atmosphere. The rest of the tour was a lot of fun visiting a variety of unique shops featuring multi-flavored peanuts to multi-flavored sugars and having one of the best macaroni and cheese we've ever had at Blue Talon Bistro. We really appreciated our tour guide for going above and beyond for my friend and I. Since we were late and missed some of the earlier part of the tour, he brought us back to William and Mary to show us around campus. He is a student there so we got quite a bit of history about the college and was glad that we got to walk off all the food we ate. We had a a great time and we we're very grateful for having such a wonderful tour guide. As per his recommendation, we will be coming back for the "Dessert Attack Tour." Thank you Taste of Williamsburg..this couple of foodies will be back!
Kathy B
Aug 2012
A group of four friends went on the William & Mary tour. We were all disappointed in the tour. In the first two hours of the tour, John, our guide talked no more than five minutes about the history of the area. He did however, find time to talk about the Black Panthers and what a great organization it is. We enjoyed our stops at restaurants to sample their specialties but felt too much time was spent in the spice shop and candy store where the group stopped for 20 minutes plus just to shop. The last hour of the tour which was thru William and Mary was better, but I had the definite impression he was not as knowledgable on the area's history as a tour guide should be. He was unable to answer many of our questions. The tour may be better with a different tour guide.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2012
Kathy, Thanks for taking the time to open a trip advisor account so that you could give us a second review. I am glad that you enjoyed the food and the William and Mary tour. You were part of a larger tour group, and the others in the group were pleased, so I thought it unfortunate that you did not have a fun and relaxing time as the others. In regards to the history of Williamsburg: We are a food tour, not a historic tour. We do not say that we provide historic tours, so I do not know why you made that assumption. I suggest that you read about what you purchase more carefully in the future so that you know what is included. It is not fair to rate us on something that we never said we would provide. In regards to John acting unprofessionally: I trained John personally. He is smart, knowledgeable, and fun. However, I do take any feedback seriously and look in to the matter personally. I do not see how a tour guide expressing his or her perspective in response to a question from another customer on the tour translates to unprofessional behavior. Tour guides are not permitted to express political or controversial opinions that have nothing to do with a food tour. But, sometimes customers ask questions during the course of socializing and conversation. Since guides are not not politicians, they speak freely. When I spoke to John, he explained that he was responding to a question that the other people in the tour group had asked him regarding his experience working with gang and at-risk youth. It is not as if he started ranting for no reason about an organization. We sometimes forget to listen, and in rushing to judgement, you missed the context of the conversation. John is an ordained minister. He does not typically share this on tours. He has devoted much of his life working to rescue and counsel gang youth in violent neighborhoods in America. He has put his life at risk in dangerous areas trying to save kids and has no relationship with any organization you mentioned. I am sorry that you didn't like John's opinion, whatever that may have been. I do not care what John's personal opinion is because he is entitled to it. I care that he does his job well. If he used foul language or treated someone poorly, please let me know. Professionalism does not mean that someone shares our views. However, demonstrating tolerance of others' opinions does reflect respect and professionalism. John's reference to an organization that you do not approve of is not sufficient for me to act on. But I will follow up with you again over email. I am very sorry that you were not happy in the relaxed environment and tour of delicious food that the other 350+ customers have enjoyed over the last 15 months. Our slogan is come hungry. But you should also come relaxed, and ready to have fun...judgement and anger should be discarded.
Lisa C
Aug 2012
I booked the Merchant Square tour for our first day in WB, Va. At the last minute, some friends of ours decided to join us for the weekend. Lance was very accommodating in adding them to the tour. Our party consisted of three adults and yes, three children, aged 10,9 and 7. We had a great time. It was a great way to get familiar with the area. We were a little late and our guide, John waited for us. It was so fun to go into all of the different establishments and sample the goods. We had delicious ribs, the best Mac n Cheese ever, cookies, candy, frozen yogurt, peanuts....... Needless to say, all of us enjoyed the tour. I would recommend this tour to anyone visiting WB, Va. Our guide, John gave us a lot of good info and was able to answer a lot of our questions. And best of all, my daughter never asked, "when is this gonna be over?" One more bonus, Merchant Square has a parking garage where your car stays cool for $1 an hour. Where can you park for $1 and hour? That night we went back to one of the restaurants, the Blue Talon for the Mac n Cheese. Only the kids ordered it. We had delicious short ribs and great service! Thanks Taste of Williamsburg!!

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