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Винска тура од Седоне до винограда долине Верде. преко 200 рецензија са 5 звездица

Разлог зашто смо на листи број 1 за винске туре у Седони је што се највише забављамо! Поред тога, ми смо винска тура по најповољнијој цени у граду. Такође имамо најлепша возила, Мерцедес Бенз или Форд Спринтер, ако имате већу групу распитајте се о приватном обиласку у нашем аутобусу за забаву лимузином. Идемо у НАЈБОЉЕ винарије као што је Д А Ранцх, а не у оне најјефтиније, као што то раде неке компаније за „ол инклузив” путовања. У суботу идемо у 4 винарије С-Ф и 3 винарије, добићете попусте на дегустације/флаше вина, у некој од винарија. Плус понесите своја алкохолна пића ако желите. Имаћете пикник послужен на постељини, што укључује и Вашу личну послужавник од француског хлеба, гурманских сирева, тврде саламе, маслиновог уља са балзамичним сирћетом, грожђа, орашастих плодова и чоколаде. У некој од винарија, ако су отворене, обићи ћемо производни погон и просторију за бачве. Разговараћемо о процесу прављења вина ио томе шта је потребно да се грозд грожђа претвори у награђивану боцу вина.
Цити: Седона
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $88.88
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $88.88
Шта је укључено
Флаширана вода
Климатизовано возило
Француски багети, маслиново уље и балзам, 4 занатска сира, италијанска сушена салама, грожђе, ораси, еклектичне чоколаде
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно перите руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 је неопходна за водиче
Шта да очекујете
Виноград, винарија и бистро Јавелина Леап
Уживајте у најбољој сангрији на планети плус попустима на дегустације и флаше вина. Након уживања у вашим дегустацијама обићи ћемо погон за производњу вина и просторију за бачве.
Оак Цреек Виногради и винарија
Наш обилазак ће се завршити посетом винарији Оак Цреек. Постоје попусти на дегустације.
Виногради и винарија Алцантара
Уживајте у попустима на дегустације у једној од најлепших винарија у Аризони. Са својом капелом и двориштем видите зашто је Марта Стјуарт ово прогласила једном од „10 најбољих за венчање у земљи“.
Паге Спрингс Целларс
Највећа винарија у долини Верде освојила је преко 50 награда и направила преко 70 сорти вина. Урадите дегустације или купите флашу и уживајте у њој на прелепој палуби која гледа на Оак Цреек.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (291)
Dec 2020
My BIL planned a surprise girls trip for my sister’s birthday, including this tour. It was the first wine tour for all of us and we honestly didn’t know what to expect, despite reading the info provided. Because I don’t see mention of it in the reviews on this site, I wanted to be clear to others considering this tour: the wine tastings are NOT included. It vaguely mentions that you can purchase tastings at a few of the vineyards, but doesn’t explicitly state that tastings are not included in the price. This was a bit of a let down to all of us, as some of the vineyards are a bit more expensive than others and only one offered a discount for the tour groups. The itinerary listed on the site wasn’t completely accurate, but it worked out overall as we visited- IMO, the best vineyard (DA Ranch)- last. Some pros: -we were placed with another couple on a ‘semi-private’ tour, so didn’t have to deal with a lot of people on a bus -we got to be part of the engagement of the other couple! Super exciting! -the scenery was beautiful -we were able to distance pretty well and keep to ourselves -it was great to just be able to sit or stroll for the hour or so we were at each vineyard -the snack provided was a nice treat Cons: -tastings not included -only one vineyard offered a discount on tastings and purchases, despite the tour companies LITERALLY bringing customers to them -we were never offered a tour of the barrel room or grounds as noted in the description. (Maybe because we were part of the smaller ‘semi-private’ group?) -I didn’t get the impression that masks were required, although we all kept them on in the vehicle. The driver even made a comment about us being the only group to still have our masks on at the end of the day. (The driver DID have his on in the vehicle and even offered us sanitizer.) -many different tours seemed to be occurring at the same time. Which increased the number of people overall and detracted from the experience a bit -the vineyards are, understandably, still open to the general public which makes it feel less personal and ‘special’. Plus, also adds to the crowded feel. And the amount of kids that were present was, not only surprising, but also a detraction. Overall it was a good day. If we do another wine tour, we will definitely look for something more ‘inclusive’. I don’t feel the price of the tour was necessarily justified with tastings not being included. I would certainly pay more for the tour for a few tastings to be included, as well as be inclined to by bottles of the wines I particularly liked, as opposed to paying for the individual tastings.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
Sedona Vineyard tours is the largest wine tour company in Sedona and the reason is we offer the best value for a wine tour in Sedona. The company took out 65 people on the day you went out on December 5th. You received a semi-private tour (unlike the other 60 people who went out) which is usually a $50 per person up charge which you got for free. You stated "I don’t feel the price of the tour was necessarily justified with tastings not being included." If you had checked other tour companies prices, you would have found them to be somewhere between $149 to $179 for the same tour. The tastings are not included for many reasons, some wineries don't have any sweet wines, some wineries don't have any white wines. For most people the option to buy a bottle of their favorite wine (instead of tastings) just makes more sense. You stated "understandably, the wineries are still open to the general public which makes it feel less personal and ‘special’. Plus, also adds to the crowded feel. And the amount of kids that were present was, not only surprising, but also a detraction." We are sorry you felt less "special" with the presence of children around however, the wineries are very children friendly and are welcome at all the wineries
Nov 2020
Second time with this company and had an even better time! Highly recommend. Great opportunity to enjoy life with people you just met.
Oct 2020
Great tour! The guide was extremely knowledgeable and made the tour fun! The wineries we visited were interesting and enjoyable. We experienced some very good wines. It was an experience we will remember for a long time.

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