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Винска тура од Седоне до винограда долине Верде. преко 200 рецензија са 5 звездица

Разлог зашто смо на листи број 1 за винске туре у Седони је што се највише забављамо! Поред тога, ми смо винска тура по најповољнијој цени у граду. Такође имамо најлепша возила, Мерцедес Бенз или Форд Спринтер, ако имате већу групу распитајте се о приватном обиласку у нашем аутобусу за забаву лимузином. Идемо у НАЈБОЉЕ винарије као што је Д А Ранцх, а не у оне најјефтиније, као што то раде неке компаније за „ол инклузив” путовања. У суботу идемо у 4 винарије С-Ф и 3 винарије, добићете попусте на дегустације/флаше вина, у некој од винарија. Плус понесите своја алкохолна пића ако желите. Имаћете пикник послужен на постељини, што укључује и Вашу личну послужавник од француског хлеба, гурманских сирева, тврде саламе, маслиновог уља са балзамичним сирћетом, грожђа, орашастих плодова и чоколаде. У некој од винарија, ако су отворене, обићи ћемо производни погон и просторију за бачве. Разговараћемо о процесу прављења вина ио томе шта је потребно да се грозд грожђа претвори у награђивану боцу вина.
Цити: Седона
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $88.88
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $88.88
Шта је укључено
Флаширана вода
Климатизовано возило
Француски багети, маслиново уље и балзам, 4 занатска сира, италијанска сушена салама, грожђе, ораси, еклектичне чоколаде
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно перите руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 је неопходна за водиче
Шта да очекујете
Виноград, винарија и бистро Јавелина Леап
Уживајте у најбољој сангрији на планети плус попустима на дегустације и флаше вина. Након уживања у вашим дегустацијама обићи ћемо погон за производњу вина и просторију за бачве.
Оак Цреек Виногради и винарија
Наш обилазак ће се завршити посетом винарији Оак Цреек. Постоје попусти на дегустације.
Виногради и винарија Алцантара
Уживајте у попустима на дегустације у једној од најлепших винарија у Аризони. Са својом капелом и двориштем видите зашто је Марта Стјуарт ово прогласила једном од „10 најбољих за венчање у земљи“.
Паге Спрингс Целларс
Највећа винарија у долини Верде освојила је преко 50 награда и направила преко 70 сорти вина. Урадите дегустације или купите флашу и уживајте у њој на прелепој палуби која гледа на Оак Цреек.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (291)
Sep 2020
This was a very fun tour. There were only 7 of us, so that made it easy to get in and out of the wineries. Each winery was terrific and the snack was great. Keith was knowledgeable and fun. I would recommend this tour to everyone.
Aug 2020
We were picked up at our Airbnb in West Sedona. Kassen was on time and really great! Celebrating my nieces birthday started off with our mimosas and on to the first winery. Javelina Leap Vineyards- our 1st stop was perfect. We spent an hour tasting their wines, but my favorite was the Sangria! Best one I’ve ever had. We sat on the outside patio with two fans and kept us cool and relaxed. Service was good and attentive. On to the 2nd stop, Page Springs Cellars- my least favorite. Service was terrible and they were very pricey. The girl struggled to open the 3 bottles before she passed them to us. The line at the outside window took 25 minutes. We bought three bottles of Rose’ and were charged for the wine glasses! If you didn’t want to pay for the glasses, you got small plastic cups! Ridiculous! We walked out back by the creek and that was the only nice thing about this place! The scenery in the back was nice. We didn’t care for the overpriced wine. Most of the bottles averaged $30-50 a bottle. Disappointed and not impressed on to stop 3. Oak Creek Vineyards- we really liked this place! Prices were very reasonable and we all loved the wine. Here we relaxed a bit under the misters on the patio. Kassen brought us our French baguettes, oil and balsamic, cheese, salami, grapes, nuts and chocolates. So good. Here Kassen kept checking on us making sure we were good. He made sure we were comfortable and taken care of. The staff here was the best! Attentive and friendly. We broke our first glass here! Oops! They were immediately there to sweep it up, tease and made jokes. For the last stop, DA Ranch! Incredible! The ranch was amazing! The property was so big. Large grass area with games, music entertainment, several bars open. Large wrap around patio and very little wait time. The wine was so good and priced perfectly. There were goats and a donkey and a large pond. Several dogs roaming and saying hello. They had a big swing out front for adults or kids to play on. This property would be perfect for an outdoor wedding. Bring a blanket and sit in the grass under a tree. We bought several bottles to go here! Favorite place all the way! Kassen was there after more than an hour to bring home 9 happy, toasted, worn out partygoers. We had the best time! The limo was top of the line. We were very comfortable and driven in class! Kassen made sure we knew how to work all the buttons and make ourselves comfortable. He was friendly, helpful and always made sure we had what we needed. He gave us his opinion on what to try at each place and tips for enjoying our best time! We would definitely recommend this tour company! They called to confirm the day before, emailed information when booked and arrived as scheduled. Worth every penny!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2020
We glad you enjoyed the tour. Kaisan is one of our best drivers.
Aug 2020
Everything about this tour was disappointing. For starters, you have to buy all of the wine, it is not included. For $99, I expected to at least get to taste small samples, but that was not offered. You had to pay $12 for just a taste of ONE wine. Second, the tour clearly states that you're on an air conditioned bus. The bus was NOT air conditioned, and it was about 120 out. Everyone on the bus was complaining about how hot they were. We were all sweating and dying. There also seemed to be lots of confusion about what was going on. The bus driver wasn't sure where or when he was supposed to pick people up, and he was on the phone trying to coordinate the entire time. Finally, I found out that they were selling this tour for $25 at timeshares, which enraged me since I paid $99. Everything about this tour was a disappointing ripoff.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Yes, the tastings are not included. The reason being at some of the wineries it might make more sense to buy a bottle of wine and not the tastings. "A tasting"that cost $12 will get you 5 samples of wine (not just one as you stated.) However at the same winery you could buy a nice bottle for only $17. A bottle has over 5 glasses of wine in it. So a bottle might make more sense. The bus is of course Air Conditioned. However of course when it is a 120 degrees out it would take a few more minutes to get the bus cooler inside. As for the "Time Shares" yes they get a better deal. They do pay more than $25. Why? Because they are willing to subsidize the cost of the tour so that you will sit through a FOUR hour "Time Share" presentation. However most people are not willing to do that just to save a few dollars on a wine tour.

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