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Зимска авантура пењања по леду хеликоптером

Крените у ову 4-сатну авантуру да испробате нешто што је потпуно јединствено за путника са Аљаске. Ваши водичи ће вас опремити са свиме што је потребно да останете безбедни, укључујући појас, кацигу, чизме, дерезе и алате за лед како бисте осигурали успешан успон уз ледену формацију. Гости могу да изаберу да прихвате стрмији изазов или да остану у својој зони удобности, ово је авантура изазов по избор!<бр>УКЉУЧУЈЕ: Лет хеликоптером, сву опрему и водиче, екстра топлу опрему, грејаче за тело и топле напитке.<бр> ВРЕМЕ ЛЕТА 20 минута повратно-<бр><бр>ЗА КОГА ЈЕ ОВА ТУРНЕЈА<бр>Узраста који почињу од 14 и више година. Авантуристички људи са умереним нивоом кондиције. Није потребно искуство у пењању по леду. Аљаска има екстремне временске услове и могу се често мењати, гости ће морати да буду спремни да се суоче са зимским температурама на Аљасци неколико сати.
Цити: Аласка
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $1028.97
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Повратно путовање хеликоптером
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају висок ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Због удобности и тежине/равнотеже авиона, путници тежине преко 250 фунти укључујући одећу и пртљаг ће бити обавезан да плати доплату за удобност. <ли>Превоз из Енкориџа се може купити уз доплату.<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике млађе од 14 година
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Коментара (11)
Darrel V
Mar 2022
We did the winter ice climbing by helicopter tour. It was probably the most awesome experience I’ve ever had (I’ve had the opportunity to do several amazing experiences around the world). Kate and Tom are the absolute best! They are SO personable, friendly and constantly focused on us. I’d never climbed before and they made me feel like an old buddy, taking the absolute best care of us. After our successful climb up the ice, they took us on a trek to see an ice cave that took our breath away. This tour will be one that I will never forget. These two are the best and can’t wait to do another tour from them next time I’m in Alaska (in fact we may do a quick trip in and out to take another tour from Kate and Tom).
Feb 2022
I was quite disappointed. After paying 7k for a family of 7 I was not too elated. I have taken several helicopter rides in any city I have visited before and this was kinda the same I expected but this was a much more expensive trip that I hoped would have been better. To be clear, the crew we had for ice climbing was outstanding- beyond outstanding but the problem is that we stayed ice climbing and that’s all we did. I asked the helicopter pilot to give us a tour around the glacier which I would hope would have been part of this trip but he simply was a ride to and from the drop off location and didn’t even give us a slight tour both going and returning. I would hope for close to $1000 per person trip that would be included even if they did a 20 minutes glacier helicopter ride out of the 4 hours the tour is advertised as. This was quite disappointing.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Zoe, Thank you for your honest review. Reviews like this help us become stronger as a company and also are a great tool to educate others who will come across and read. Normally we do have a standard amount of flight time allotted for each heli flight to and from to include a flight over the Knik Glacier, but unfortunately there were 2 factors that changed this. 1) your group of 7 arrived late 2) Your group once weighed came in 230 lbs over the reported weights. The importance of both is as follows, When a group arrives there are many steps that need to happen before we can get you out on a flight. We need to get you geared up for climbing, with a large group this can be challenging as there is quite a bit to do to make sure everyone is prepared for the experience. arriving 30 mins prior is required and normally when a group is late we need to shorten the experience in order to keep to our schedule. Accurate Weights are critical. Each style of helicopter has a specific weight limit to fly safely. With the weights that had been reported we could have flown everyone in much fewer trips that what we had to do with your group who was significantly over the weights reports. We had to add 2 additional flights to get you all out to the glacier which we would normally charge the comport surcharge (applied to anyone over 250lbs) as well as a ferry fee of $350 as we are flying more helicopters (helicopters are expensive to fly), and to get the group back more efficiently as to not interrupt the scheduled wedding after your flight we brought in a larger helicopter (cost is 3x the smaller to fly). We waived ALL additional fees for your family as the excitement of the experience both before and after we felt you were satisfied with everything provided. We ask every guest as they return if they had a great time, we ask this so if there was expectations that were not met we are able to explain reasons for the adjustment or make things right if a refund is warranted. When your family was asked there was no mention of any disappointment, I believe one member even quoted "This was the most epic thing I've ever done!" We are happy the Ice-climbing was the highlight (the photos are epic) and we apologize for falling short in your eyes. Thank you again for your feedback
Jan 2022
One of the coolest things we have ever done! Amazing experience from start to finish. We had amazing customer service and communication from Kate and she got us all set up with everything we needed. The helicopter ride was so insanely cool.. felt like we were on another planet. Tom and the guides were awesome. They were so helpful and knowledgeable and successfully got us ice climbing for our first time. Ice climbing was so fun, I highly recommend! After the climb Tom and the other guides showed us a ton of hiking spots along the glacier. They took us to an ice cave which is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. They gave us a ton of good info on the glaciers and the surrounding area and were so helpful the entire day. It was one of the coolest experiences we’ve ever had. Then to top it off.. when we got back to anchorage we realized we had forgotten a rock we had found for our son. Tom and Kate went out of their way to bring it to us in Anchorage that night! That kind of customer service is unheard of! I can’t wait to go back to Alaska and do their other tours!

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