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Обилазак музеја Чаробњак из ОЗ

Обилазак сувенира Чаробњака из Оза и Имерзивног искуства Чаробњака из Оза. Једини музеј на Флориди и други у земљи.
Цити: Цапе Цанаверал
Thu 13 Mar
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Thu 13 Mar
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Музеј чаробњака из Оза
Лутке, стрипови, играчке, мапе, оригинални реквизити и костими, колекционарске фигурице, постери и фина прва издања (укључујући најранији снимљени примерак књиге, ЧУДОВИ ЧАРОБЊАК ИЗ ОЗА из 1900. само су нека од блага која чекају да се доживе – са доста изненађења (и фотографија!) на путу.
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Коментара (58)
Dec 2022
One of the best activities to do in the area. Excellent immersive experience including van gogh and James Webb images
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Francest, thank you for your review. I am glad you enjoyed the museum visit including the Immersive experience.
Dec 2022
We visited the "museum" as a group of 7 adults. Our over all impression was that it's not really a museum but more so a personal collection. We all agreed - The audio was long winded and boring. The museum was one large room with mannequins in halloween costumes. The immersive video experience has no video of the movie, no sound track to the Wizard of oz movie, really nothing. We have visited the Van Gogh immersive in NY & Philadelphia. It was amazing. This was not. In our opinion, this was an overpriced tourist trap.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Thank you for your review. Looks like your group visited the museum in April, only two months after the official opening. Sorry to hear that your group did not enjoy the museum. At the time we were soliciting feedback from customers in order to improve the museum's experience. We have made a lot of improvements in each area of the museum and it is reflected in our reviews on TripAdvisor. We mention to every visitor now that we do not play songs or show clips from the movie in order to set realistic expectations. Since the MGM movie is a small percentage of the Oz universe, the museum's goal is to inspire curiosity in visitors and introduce other elements that were never part of the movie. The Immersive scenes that we created and show in the Immersive room are from the original book on which the movie is only partially based. We created a scene where TinMan proposing to the munchkin girl, a scene where mice pull a lion out of the poppies field, a scene where a witch makes Jack Pumpkinhead alive, and even incorporated the latest images from the James Webb telescope into the Witches Castle scene for visitors to experience traveling through the Universe. We also tell visitors now, that Van Gogh is a bonus at the museum for people to enjoy and we plan to stop showing when all the scenes for the Wizard of Oz will be completed. As far as memorabilia related to the movie at the museum, we currently display an original Winkie Guard Spear that was used in the movie, we display an original Judy Garland coat with a monogram, and will be adding an original Dorothy Dress from the movie, and Emerald city townsman costume by the end of this month. You are allowed to view a private collection of oz memorabilia. I dedicated my life and time to collecting this large amount of items and rather than keeping it to myself opted to open a museum post-pandemic and allow the public to see it. As far as the tourist trap statement, I would invite you and your group to experience the museum's new way for free with the hope that it might change your view of the current museum experience and support a local business that trying to display as much as possible Wizard of Oz memorabilia under one roof.
Dec 2022
A really fascinating and considering history of the Land of Oz with many things you never knew! Totally enjoyable treat even if it’s not really repeatable. One and dine.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Thank you for your review. I am glad you totally enjoyed what the museum has to offer.

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