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Цити: Орегон
Thu 07 Nov
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Thu 07 Nov
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Коментара (112)
Feb 2021
The educational talk is under cover, so for at least that part you won't have to worry about rain. The walking portion of the tour going by the enclosures could be a little damp and chilly so bundle up as you are on a mountain. The drive up is through a locked gate that your guide will let you through and the road isn't paved so you may have some potholes and slippery bits to contend with depending on the time of year you visit. It was pouring rain when we were making the climb, but our mini van made it fine. The talk was great and very educational. I have visited several sanctuaries and I still learned a few things I didn't know. It is clear this little out of the way sanctuary is a labor of love and seems to be a bit of an overflow place for older non breeding wolves or rescues who were never part of the wild populace. It is nice there are places that will allow them to live out their lives in relative comfort. It is great to see each of their unique personalities and if their enormous feet and golden eyes aren't enough to enchant you their song will do the trick. We had a chorus going on at several different junctures and that is such an amazing experience. It is a call that hits you in the soul.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2021
Thank you for the kind words and you support.
Feb 2021
Hearing the wonderful howls as the wolves called to each other was such a magical experience. The docents were so knowledgeable and caring and Nicola made the tour very personal.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2021
Thank you, we are happy that you had an enjoyable visit.
Jan 2021
it was great, the wolves were howling when we were there and that was very awesome, the wolves are beautiful. if you go in the winter dress warmly, as the presentation part of the tour is in the shade, blankets are provided, but it still got cold. i wished we could have taken a photo, but that is not allowed. which is too bad, because a lot of people would be posting them and letting their know that there is a wolf sanctuary in oregon. i've owned a cabin on the alsea river one 1/4 mile from this sanctuary and had no idea it was there, for like 20 years!!! the tour was great, nothing like it in oregon. i totally recommend it. wolves are cool. paul
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2021
Thank you Paul it was great to meet you and we are happy that you enjoyed the tour.

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