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Овај обилазак ће вам показати многе од ових дивних викендица и различите стилове у којима су дизајниране и изграђене. Такође ћете научити о њиховој историји и јединственом делу развоја града Чикага. Осим тога, чућете о другој фасцинантној историји Чикага која датира 150 година уназад! Староградски троугао је једно од најстаријих и најчуднијих делова града - подручје које многи Чикаго воле и његују. Осећаћете се као да сте напустили градску вреву и да ћете одмах бити пребачени на друго место, у неко друго време, тачније у касне 1800-те!<бр><бр>
Цити: Чикаго
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $35.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $35.00
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Шта да очекујете
Староградски троугао
Погледајте невероватне домове Чарлса и Фредерика Вакера (Вакер Драјв) и чујте историју ова два човека (оца и сина) који су били веома важни у раном дизајну града Чикага
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (24)
Aug 2022
Ronnie was such a genuine and informative tour guide! I am a longtime resident of Chicago and love to learn more about my city by taking tours. Architecture and doorways in particular are a passion of mine, so I had high expectations for this tour - and it did not disappoint! Ronnie is an interior designer and his eye for beautiful architecture was an amazing lens thru which to see all the places he took us to today! I can't wait to take his other 2 tours, and I hope he adds even more tours onto his scope of work! Highly recommend!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
It was so nice to meet you and your group, Kate! Thanks for those kind words and I'm looking forward to seeing you again!
Jun 2022
The Old Town tour was a delight as we wandered the neighborhoods and learned about the history of chicago and the early architects and designers who built these beautiful buildings and influenced the design of chicago. The pace of the tour allows you to take in small details, the beautiful gardens and and the mixed design of the various homes. I know I will notice and enjoy the architecture of the many chicago neighborhoods in a new light. Ron is a knowledgeable and friendly host!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thanks, it means a lot to read this review! It was a pleasure having you along and hope to see you again!
Julee W
Jun 2022
I love big cities and I'm not gonna lie!! But today the windy and second city became much smaller and intimate with Doorways of Chicago’s Old Town walking tour! Ronnie Frey mixed history, humor, and human interest into a 2-mile storybook walk. You could almost hear the clip clop of the horses hoofs, and smell the smoke from the Great Chicago Fire, as he weaved tales from eras gone by! Do yourself a favor and take one of these walking tours by Doorways of Chicago! I promise, you’ll fall in love with the city of Chicago…if not for the first time…all over again!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thanks for that great review, Julee! It was so fun to have you and Mark along and glad your visit to Chicago was so enjoyable. It makes me happy to have provided you with this experience - that is the exact goal of this tour!

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