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Овај обилазак ће вам показати многе од ових дивних викендица и различите стилове у којима су дизајниране и изграђене. Такође ћете научити о њиховој историји и јединственом делу развоја града Чикага. Осим тога, чућете о другој фасцинантној историји Чикага која датира 150 година уназад! Староградски троугао је једно од најстаријих и најчуднијих делова града - подручје које многи Чикаго воле и његују. Осећаћете се као да сте напустили градску вреву и да ћете одмах бити пребачени на друго место, у неко друго време, тачније у касне 1800-те!<бр><бр>
Цити: Чикаго
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $35.00
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Староградски троугао
Погледајте невероватне домове Чарлса и Фредерика Вакера (Вакер Драјв) и чујте историју ова два човека (оца и сина) који су били веома важни у раном дизајну града Чикага
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Коментара (24)
Aug 2021
What a fun way to learn about Chicago history. Ronnie is an excellent tour guide with so many fascinating little nuggets of information. The workers cottages of old town are hidden gems tucked away on charming little streets that I have never seen before. Will definitely be taking this tour again!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
I am so glad you enjoyed the charm of this neighborhood! And it was great to have you along!
Aug 2021
My husband and I just moved to Chicago a few weeks ago. This tour gave us a wonderful introduction to the city beyond the tourist areas. I loved looking at the details of the houses, seeing the various architectural styles, and learning a bit about the area's history. The pace of the tour was relaxed, and the vibe was very informal. Ronnie was a good guide. We had an especially great tour because the owners of one of the magnificent Olsen-Hansen Row Houses at Eugenie and Wells graciously invited us into the house to see the beautiful interior. They had run a B&B out of the house for years, and they had an amazing knowledge of the history of the row houses and the Hansen family (family members of one of the architects were also the prior owners of their house). That is not a regular feature of the tour, but it was a delightful touch. We also stopped and chatted with the owner of another historically- designated house who happened to be out in his yard and was kind enough to share a little about his house's history. I would recommend this tour to those who are new to the city. I would also recommend the tour and the Old Town area in general to tourists who want to see something of the "real" Chicago or those who don't like downtown areas. Old Town has a small but fun shopping district, and Second City is there. You can also easily walk to Lincoln Park, a huge park worth seeing on its own.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Julie, thank you so much for your lovely review! It was so nice o have you and your husband along. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I hope to see you on another tour sometime soon. I'm designing some other ones that I will launch soon. Please stay tuned and have a great day!
Aug 2021
Ronnie’s tour was incredible. I’ve been on several walking tours as a Chicago resident but Ronnie’s knowledge combined with his personality make this a truly unique experience. It just shows if you take a moment to pause and take in the surrounding there is so much to enjoy. I’ll be on the lookout for more tours by Ronnie. Well done!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Eric, thank you so much for that great review! It was my pleasure to meet you and I am sure enjoying your photography on Instagram. If anyone hasn't seen his feed yet please check out and follow him @ericchiaramonte - great eye! Stay tuned for some new tours that I will launch soon. You will be able to see them on my new website, doorwaysofchicago.com

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