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Вођени обилазак доње петље Иелловстоне из Кодија, Вајоминг

Погледајте Национални парк Иелловстоне на целодневном обиласку из Кодија са сертификованим стручњаком природњаком и професионалним водичем за фотографе природе. Истражите први национални парк у земљи са нагласком на фотографију природе, екологију, геологију и посматрање дивљих животиња. У парку смо раније од других обилазака, што вам гарантује врхунске могућности за гледање дивљих животиња и мању гужву. Путоваћете дуж Доње петље, која пружа дубински поглед на ванземаљске термалне области парка, као што је басен Горњег гејзира, где можете гледати ерупцију Олд Фаитхфула, најпознатијег гејзира у Јелоустону. Ова турнеја је ограничена на девет људи како би пружила искуство у малим групама. Свако има седиште до прозора. Обезбеђени су грицкалице и пиће за доручак. Екпериенце Иелловстоне Тоурс се не преузима у Јацксону, ВИ, Вест Иелловстоне, МТ, Гардинер МТ, Олд Фаитхфул, Грант Виллаге, Цанион Лодге, Маммотх Хот Спрингс
Цити: Цоди
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли> Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците на одговарајући начин.<ли>Највише 9 људи по резервацији<ли>Укључен ручак: Молимо изаберите једну. . Опције су: ћуретина, шунка, говеђе печење, вегетаријанско<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку <ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку
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Коментара (80)
Oct 2018
This was our first trip to Yellowstone and we debated on driving a self guided tour or using Experience Yellowstone. I can only say the self guided tour would have been a big mistake for the 2 of us for a number of reasons: 1) we started out in Deadwood drove to see the Little Big Horn Battle Site then over to Cody Almost 12 hours including stops. I really wasn't up to more driving. 2) we only allocated 1 day to see the major Yellowstone attractions which I would say are in the Lower Loop tour 3) as the driver I would not have been able to enjoy what I was seeing and also be a safe driver 4) parking even in the shoulder season (we were there last week of September) could be a problem. Several times our guide, Dale, let us out to see something while he drove around due to parking shortages 5) he kept us on schedule so we saw A LOT without feeling rushed. 6) our guide Dale was ON TIME and prepared which is hugely important to me. 7) the van was comfortable and a small group of 7. 6) the other guests and Dale took lots of great pictures of me and my wife together. This was a huge plus as selfies don't always turn out so good and stopping someone else takes time. 8) Dale was able to spot wild life and other parts about the park that we would never have noticed. Things to think about: 1) A long day starting at 6AM and back at hotel at 6:15 PM. I was worried that I'd get tired but the company and sights made the time fly. 2) Please be aware that you will be at elevations over 8,000 feet. Even though the days in Cody were in the upper 60s by the time we got up the mountain the temperature was 23 degrees. I wore hiking boots, wool socks, jeans, a performance t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, polartec vest, polartec jacket, gloves and a hat. I was warm and comfy. There were others that got cold including my wife who really should have had an extra layer for the legs. Those tight pants things didn't cut it. My jacket came off about noon and the vest and gloves about 2:00PM. It was a sunny day. If in doubt LAYER you can peel them off and leave in the van. I took along a backpack with some gum, a few snacks, some extra water bottles (though Dale provides water) BATTERY packs for my phone (and I needed them) an extra broad rimmed hat that I was glad to have in the afternoon, sunglasses and a back up camera as my iPhone X glitched a couple of times. Dale provides binoculars to borrow for everyone, a light breakfast around 10:00AM and you have lunch around 2:00 PM, on you, at the Old Faithful Lodge right after seeing Old Faithful erupt. You will have time for shopping at the gift shops and there is neat stuff in those shops. Dale is a great guy and very knowledgeable. For pee breaks you might have to speak up. There are plenty of places along the way you just have to let Dale know outside the usual scheduled stops. I'm not the shy type as I guzzle water due to the elevation and overall low humidity which sucks the water out of you. Cell service is spotty/non-existent in many places. In retrospect this was well worth the money and I highly recommend it. We hope to go back and will be using Dale for the other 2 tours he offers. Hope this helps!!!
Beverley D
Sep 2018
Dale was our guide for the trip.. prompt pick up from our hotel... dale was extremely knowledgeable and made the 12 hour trip very enjoyable... Small group , only 7 people in the group, including myself and my husband.. everyone got on so well ... Dale showed us the parks excellent array of nature and gave an in depth commentary of its history , and was always on the look out for animals as we went along... I would highly recommend using this company for trips to Yellowstone
Sep 2018
Experience Yellowstone Tours (EYT) gave me a wonderful day tour of Yellowstone National Park. The trip was well planned and the guide was very knowledgeable of the wildlife, geology and Park history. The van was comfortable and supplying the snacks helped to move things along. EYT also supplies binoculars which was also very helpful in viewing the many sights. I only had one day to see the park and going with EYT allowed me to see more of the park and better appreciate the features and wildlife of the area. I would highly recommend Experience Yellowstone Tours.

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