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Коментара (7)
Jon G
Jun 2021
The Classic Camping Adventure was an excellent way to experience Yosemite for those who do not want to carry a 35 pound pack on a hiking adventure or those who are not experienced campers. Lasting Adventures provided the required equipment, organized the activities and cooked the food. We could focus on relaxing and enjoying the experience of Yosemite. It was a very enjoyable trip with knowledgeable guides.
Sep 2020
Went on the 6-day backpacking trip from Tuolomne Meadows to Half Dome. Was truly one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. + Experience - legitimately felt like diving headfirst into a Lord of the Rings movie. The locations we went to included the Yosemite highlights and the off-the-radar gems. + Guides - our guides Kara and Jack had the rare combo of a) the authenticity of true wilderness spirits and b) the intense care ensuring we all had a great experience + Logistics - everything was thought through. From having moleskin in case I had a blister to preparing a literal spaghetti dinner at 10,000 feet For someone looking for an authentic backpacking trip, couldn’t recommend this trip more.
Aug 2019
Our first ever family TENT camping trip AND our first trip to Yosemite was with Lasting Adventures - what a wise choice!! We had a 5-day "Classic Camping" trip with a guide. The tents, bedding, trek poles and day-packs they provided were perfect for a family flying in from FL. The information on the website was very useful and the steady email communication (and phone calls) prior to our adventure were great. Where do we even begin?? Our guide, "Critter" was AWESOME. First day he met us at a bus stop in Half Dome Village and took us to our campsite which was completely set up. Critter was energetic, down-to-earth, funny and obviously passionate about people, Yosemite and nature. Every morning we woke up to the aroma of coffee and a delicious breakfast and while we got ready for the day he set out food for packing lunches to take on our hikes. Some of our trips included Yosemite Falls, Toulumne Grove and Toulumne Meadows, Sentinel Dome, Taft Point, Tenaya Lake, and Bridal Veil Falls. Our favorite was the John Muir Trail up to the Vernal and Nevada Falls descending on the Mist Trail. Critter suggested each day's itinerary and let us know the level of difficulty and gave us other harder/easier options. He let us know that we could choose whatever we wanted to do, but, new to hiking we found his suggestions perfect for our family. During the hikes he shared history of Yosemite, info on what we saw along the way as well as funny/scary/bizarre stories of the area. He kept a great pace which our sons in their mid-twenties and my husband appreciated but was also SO kind and patient in stopping for breaks when one of us (me!) fell behind. After an early morning and a full day of hiking Critter came back to camp and cooked wonderful dinners over the fire and did the dishes insisting that we not help but relax around the campfire. Words in a review really cannot capture what a memorable and wonderful adventure we had...if we could choose 10 stars for Lasting Adventure and our guide we would!

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