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Шетајте поред три главна водопада у Националном парку Јосемити - водопад Иллилоуетте, водопад Невада и пролећни водопад - на овом целодневном пешачењу са водичем. Након вожње до Глациер Поинта, уживајте у сликовитим погледима на Халф Доме и друге знаменитости док сазнате о природним карактеристикама парка. Затим крените на умерено напорно путовање пешке од 8,5 миља, спуштајући се више од 3000 стопа до дна долине преко стазе Панорама и Стазе магле. Ова тура траје од маја до октобра и има однос водича и клијента од 1:6 како би се осигурала персонализована пажња. Могу се сместити и веће групе.
Цити: Национални парк Иосемите
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $300.00
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Када се резервишу, одобрићемо само након што потврдимо да су карте за превоз до парка доступне.<ли>Сви путници су доступни. саветује се да понесу сопствени ручак, грицкалице и флаше воде.<ли>Датум рођења МОРА да се наведе приликом резервације.<ли>Обућа за планинарење је обавезна<ли>Обуците се по времену <ли>Водичи носе комплете прве помоћи, методе пречишћавања воде, тоалетни папир (за хитне случајеве), креме за сунчање и средства за одбијање буба.<ли>Молимо вас да наведете број телефона у тренутку резервације где можете бити доступни пре путовања у случају да не постоји интернет услуга
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Халф Доме
Поглед са Глациер Поинт-а и стаза према доле пружиће вам вишеструке перспективе Халф Доме-а, јединствене гфеолошке карактеристике у Јосемитима.
Глациер Поинт
Са ове тачке гледишта можете видети Јосемите, Неваду и водопаде Вернал; Халф Доме и околни врхови; и добићете идеју колико је парк заиста велики.
Вернал Фалл
Прелеп водопад на стази магле.
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Прекрасан део стазе који вам пружа широк поглед на Халф Доме.
Цлоуд'с Рест
Врх иза Халф Домеа.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (19)
Jun 2021
We had an incredible experience with Lasting Adventures! It was our first visit to Yosemite and kicking off the trip with a guided hike was perfect. It was just our group of 4 (me, my husband, and 2 friends) which was great because we got to ask lots of questions and take the day at our preferred pace. Our guide, Michael, was absolutely wonderful - very welcoming and easy to get along with! He is so knowledgable about the park, its history, and the nature and wildlife. He came well-prepared with sunscreen, bug spray, and extra water and snacks for all. And he took a bunch of quality photos of our group! The hike included a great mix of epic sights from higher elevations, and provided us with a nice overview of Yosemite, as well as ideas for other hikes to do on our own during the rest of our trip. I highly recommend Lasting Adventures for your trip to Yosemite. We were blown away!
May 2021
We had an excellent experience with Lasting Adventures on our first trip to Yosemite National Park! Michael was our guide, and we met early in the morning at Glacier Point. He was extremely knowledgable and prepared to take our group out on a private day hike of Taft Point and Sentinel Dome. He was on time, easy to find, and he had sunscreen, which he lent to us and extra water and snacks ready to go if we needed it! The hike itself was exceptional. We got to see stunning views of Yosemite and it was much easier to then plan the rest of our trip after asking Michael many questions about what he recommended. He was able to give us a lot of history of the park and identified many different types of trees and wildlife for us as well! He also happened to be a great photographer and took many stunning photos of our group. I HIGHLY recommend using this business next time you go to Yosemite. We were thrilled!
Vicky C
Sep 2019
My first solo trip ever and first trip to the US in over a decade... I was able to arrange a 2-night stay at Yosemite and for safety reasons I decided to join a guided hike, so that someone could pace me and I can see as much as possible without getting lost! Booking with Lasting Adventures was smooth; they were very responsive and helpful over email. With that out of the way, there was nothing else to do but wait eagerly for the day. I don't do much hiking normally so was admittedly a bit nervous about the length of this hike... it's not a relaxing option. The day started with the bus ride to Glacier Point at 8.30am which took about 1.5 hours (but you meet with the guide earlier at 8am), have a toilet break at Glacier Point (no toilets for a while afterwards), take a lot of photos, and then start the hike proper... and we came to the end of the trail at the Happy Isles shuttle station around 5+pm. The hike, while long, is fortunately mostly downhill and quite doable if you're in decent shape... There was a section of incline along the Panorama trail where I struggled a bit, and coming down the very steep Mist trail (thank god for trekking poles, which were provided) my legs got wobbly towards the end... but I had an amazing time!! The scenery was stunning from start to end, and I could not get enough of the breathtaking nature that surrounded us as we made our way. Photos simply can't do justice to the grandeur and majesty of Yosemite... I didn't really know what to expect with Yosemite and being there in person absolutely surpassed all expectations. I had Nick as my guide... he was charming and professional, provided me with a lot of information about the park, and obviously very fit as he glided along the trail without so much as a pant. I felt it was a good decision to get a guide as someone there for the first time; although the trails are marked, at some parts it wasn't obvious where to go and we encountered people along the way who were a little lost. An incredible experience, and totally worth the muscle soreness that came after that! I have no hesitation in recommending Lasting Adventures, and a noteworthy mention is that they are a non-profit company and part of the proceeds from the tour fees go towards organising camps and outdoor education for youths... so it's money spent on a good cause as well.

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