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Fri 27 Dec
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<ул><ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су кућне животиње<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступно у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Потребан је важећи пасош на дан путовања. Гости који немају своје пасоше у тренутку поласка неће бити дозвољени на обилазак и немају право на повраћај новца<ли>Мала количина ходања је укључена у неравне површине<ли>Мора бити у могућности да се попне и изађе из туристичког возила без већих потешкоћа<ли>Није приступачно за инвалидска колица (Склопива инвалидска колица могу бити у могућности да буду смештена под условом да је путник у пратњи некога ко може да им помогне да се укрцају и искрцају и Туроператори су добили одговарајуће обавештење) Обилазак је доступан за инвалидска колица на склапање, међутим, будите спремни за неравне, природне површине на посећеним местима што може бити тешко за особе са инвалидитетом или за оне који користе склопива инвалидска колица.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците на одговарајући начин<ли>У време резервације, путници на крстарењу морају да наведу следеће информације у тренутку резервације: назив брода, време пристајања, време искрцавања и поновног укрцавања г тиме<ли>Гости морају стићи на места састанка 20 минута пре поласка. Сви гости који закасне или пропусте време поласка могу се сматрати „недојавом“ и неће имати право на повраћај новца. Будите тачни.<ли>Дуге панталоне, ципеле са високим прстима, ветровка или кабаница и наочаре за сунце<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе
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Коментара (68)
Jul 2019
Let me first start by saying our tour guide was a fill-in. He told us the company called him to fill-in because their bus broke down. Sooo, not sure if it would have been different. OUR tour guide, James Valentine, drove his own bus. He owns Skagway in 30-ish, and has lived in Skagway his entire life. He was AWESOME! The tour itself was AWESOME! Scenery driving up to the Yukon Musher’s Camp was beautiful! James suggested we drive straight through up to the camp in order to get there before all the other tour companies (to have the camp to ourselves basically), and then on the way BACK, stop along the way for pictures, etc. That was perfect! Because when we LEFT the camp, there were like 5 buses in the parking lot! All of the people that worked at the Musher’s camp were friendly and knowledgeable. The presentation showing equipment, talking about training, etc, was fantastic! And of course, the dogs ❤️❤️❤️. Our children were in heaven (as were we)! So friendly and sweet. We got to go into a very large enclosed area with the older dogs, where we all got to play with the dogs. We also got to go in an enclosed pen with the sweetest puppies ever (about 6 weeks old). The mama was with the older dogs, but they let her in while we were in the puppy pen to check on her babies. She walked around, nosed each of them, and went back out. SO adorable. 4 people in the puppy pen at one time, pick them up at your leisure, and they have chairs to sit. Kids must sit with puppies. The “sled” ride was so cool! It wasn’t actually a sled because there is no snow. It was a Jeep really with all the dogs attached as if they were on the sled. The driver only gave them a little help going uphill. We saw them in action, they would stop at waters edge, and all beer off path to get in the water and take a drink. They also had plastic wading pools lined up along the way near the water so the dogs could get in if they wanted (and they did!). While they stopped at one point to take a break, the driver got out and offered to take pics of everyone in the Jeep with their own cameras. During the ride, our 3 kids sat in the back seat, my husband and I and another gentleman stood up in the back of the Jeep, and the last person sat in the passenger seat. It was THE best excursion hands down! On the way back, we saw SO much! We stopped at a boat launch area for pics and everyone was skipping rocks in the water, we stopped at Bridal Veil Falls, we saw Tutsi Lake (beautiful untouched mirror image of mountains on the water), and we stopped at all the “Welcome signs” for pics, too! I would recommend this excursion to ANYONE!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thank you so much! We're happy to hear you enjoyed your tour and your time in Alaska!
Jul 2019
We were very pleased with our tour led by Mikey. Easy pick up at the dock. The tour company called us shortly before the tour started to touch base, which I thought was nice. Mikey is very enthused about his tour, you can hear the passion in his voice about his love of nature. Skagway was covered in mist and gloomy, and the drive up to the dog sled camp was foggy. We stopped at bridal falls for a nice phot op, shortly after that the clouds broke and glorious sunshine was everywhere. Another nice photo op near Tutshi lake. The dog camp was a blast. You’re greeted with the barks of Alaskan Huskies excited to go for a run. We had a chance to pet older puppies, before being placed on a UTV which was then hooked up to a dog team and taken on a wild ride along their training track. We had an informative presentation on dogsledding facts and then got to play with or sit and hold the smaller sleeping puppies. Added bonus was the tire swing. Made some more scenic stops on the way back and even spotted a black bear by the side of the road, which Mikey then pulled over so we could watch it munch some food before wandering back into the forest. Stops for pics in front of the Yukon sign before heading back to the USA and a picture in front of the (for us very foggy) Welcome to Alaska sign. We got dropped off in Skagway and wandered around a bit before walking back to the ship. Honestly a perfect tour for me and my teenage kids. They loved the dogs and ride, saw some nature and stretched the legs a bit. Mikey kept us entertained and informed with his chatter, and he was very helpful taking pictures of us.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Mikey is the best! I'm so happy everything went so well. Thank you for writing this helpful and positive review. We really appreciate you!!
Kimberly P
Jul 2019
We had a great time today with our family of 3. Our 17 year old said this was the best thing she has ever done; however, she was likely biased after holding and petting 2 litters of puppies and then petting a variety of other race dogs! Harry and Zack were awesome guides on the bus. Harry went above and beyond with his knowledgeable discussion en route, picture taking and local Skagway recommendations. They even spotted for us deer, a lynx and a bear all on this one trip. Not to mention the beautiful scenery and nature. Highly recommend this tour company (we did NOT book thru our cruise line) and their tour of Michelle and Ed’s dog sledding operation!!

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