The highlight of our trip was standing over a humpie as it swam under the bow of the idling Pacifica. Capt. Rod, Naturalist Isaiah and Deckhand/Man Andrew had lost sight of the pair of whales off the port bow.
My girlfriend and I were scanning and she taps my shoulder, points down and says, "...ummm, what's that?" I quickly look down and see the flukes of the whale moving to starboard. I held up my fist to tell Captain that the boat should be put in neutral and pointed down.
About 20 seconds later, the beastie came up on the starboard side, spouted, as Isaiah was moving people to the front of the vessel.
Truly an amazing experience to be able to stand over the back of such a magnificent creature.
We tracked two pairs of whales for a couple of hours with intermittent spouts and 1 magnificent breech! Rissos dolphins started the day and another pair of humpbacks, quietly and calmly making their way through the schools of Monterey Bay anchovies capped the trip.